Mobile Photography – Instagram TAKEOVER with @iphoneartgirl Meri Walker and @dleibo – David Leibowitz – Day 12 The story so far…
We are so excited with our latest Instagram TAKEOVER this time with @iphoneartgirl – Meri Walker and @dleibo – David Leibowitz. Singularly they are hugely talented mobile photographers and artists but combined, they are a phenomenal force of mobile talent! We are so honoured that they have taken over our Instagram feed for fourteen days. I particularly like how they put into words, what these discoveries mean to them, take a look, I’m sure you will agree. This is what they have seen so far, our feed is full of wonderful discoveries, please look…
Please take a look at our @TheAppWhisperer Instagram account to follow all the goings on and please also tag your images with #TheAppWhisperer, so that they can be found and potentially featured.
On Day 12 @iphoneartgirl highlighted the work of a mobile photographer @christinemignon – Christine Mignon and she writes writes “Color color color! @iphoneartgirl here for @theappwhisperer with a color photo by @christinemignon that does everything right! Composition attracts and holds the eye in the implausible green and makes this scene not only fascinating but so human. I wish I were there in this marketplace!”

Later on Day 12 @iphoneartgirl highlighted the work of another talented mobile photographer, @sunflowerof21 – Elaine Taylor and she writes “And, speaking of color (again), this shot by @sunflowerof21 grabs the eye and won’t let go! I have been a fan of Elaine’s mobile photography for what seems like a long time. Her ongoing studies of her boys go so far past the “family photos” category that they’re worth study. Take a look at @sunflowerof21‘s gallery. @iphoneartgirl applauding for @theappwhisperer today”.

Finally on day 12, @iphoneartgirl highlights an image, not dissimilar to a room in my own house, of @mauzzan – Maurizio Zanetti and she writes “One more fabulous color shot for today from @iphoneartgirl for @theappwhisperer. This shot makes me want to hop a plane and find this bookstore in Venice. @mauzzan drags the viewer’s eye right into this crazy fine room full of my favorite objects – books!”

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