Mobile Photography – Instagram TAKEOVER with @iphoneartgirl Meri Walker and @dleibo – David Leibowitz – Days 2 & 3 the story so far…
We are so excited with our latest Instagram TAKEOVER this time with @iphoneartgirl – Meri Walker and @dleibo – David Leibowitz. Singularly they are hugely talented mobile photographers and artists but combined, they are a phenomenal force of mobile talent! We are so honoured that they have taken over our Instagram feed for fourteen days. This is what they have seen so far…
On Day 2 they highlighted a fabulous image by @armineh__mobileart and they write “Hello, David Leibowitz here @dleibo. My first pick of the day as I share the Instagram take over for @theappwhisperer with @iphoneartgirl. This piece by @armineh__mobileart caught my eye as a thumbnail and did not disappoint when large. I call “crazy great”!”
Later on Day 2 they highlighted this stunning image by @ange_ombre and they write: “@dleibo here for @theappwhisperer : This image from @ange_ombre feels like a production still from a Tim Burton movie. iLove the light, scale of the figures and it’s ominous mood. Epic”.
On Day 3 they highlighted @axelbergk ‘The Resident’s’ stunning image and they write “@iphoneartgirl for @theappwhisperer featuring a recent piece by the talented painter @axelbergk. This one, titled “The Residents” takes me in for a looong look. The digital drawing and painting skills of this brilliant artist amaze me on a regular basis. If you’re not familiar with @axelbergk‘s work, do take a walk through his gallery here in IG”.
Later on Day 3 they featured @hipsta365_fernando and they write “@iphoneartgirl for @theappwhisperer featuring this piece by @hipsta365_fernando. This Hipstamatic combo couldn’t be more perfect for this shot, IMHO. I feel like I’m swimming in so much that is anything but restful these days and I appreciate Fernando’s brilliant application of this combo to this scene”.
A little later on Day 3 they featured @mitrydate’s work and they write “@dleibo here for @theappwhisperer : I’m responding to this image by @mitrydate on a visceral level. I’ve never visited this space, but it feels like I was there in another life. The foreground pattern might be something dripping but not sure what it could be. The person in the background seems to be praying. This feels like a picture of a dream, captured somehow”.
Thank you so much dear Meri and David it is our privilege to see #theappwhisperer through your eyes, it’s so good!
Please take a look at our @TheAppWhisperer Instagram account to follow all the goings on and please also tag your images with #TheAppWhisperer, so that they can be found and potentially featured.





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