An email from an Artist…
A few days ago I received the following email in my inbox and it filled me with much joy. I asked the artist if I may share it with you all because it’s good, positive news and hopefully will add further motivation to our much loved cause.
The email was from Rebecca Bruyn a mobile artist of much talent. This is what she said:
“Hi Joanne
I just wanted to share with you how much I appreciate your vision, and your commitment, your joy in sharing your educational resources and supporting our continued exploration of this unusual medium.
You’ve inspired me so much so that I am now teaching intro classes to small local groups in a variety of settings on Cape Cod.
This particular setting is in Chatham overlooking the ocean, a gorgeous place to hopefully inspire new artists!
I make share the students know about TheAppWhisperer before they leave. And share that great 9 minute video you presented at the 2015 Photography conference in England that garnered tremendous interest.
I feel very blessed.
Thank you
Image ©Rebecca Bruyn

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