Interview Magazine Goes Bankrupt, Shuts Down..
I’m an optimist but there are times when I’m tested. This week Andy Warhol’s magazine, Interview has declared bankruptcy and shut down. I loved Interview magazine, each interview was richly raw, many conducted with celebrities whilst in bed (at least the ones I read). Shy of its 50th anniversary, it’s gone. Same is true for Shutterbug this week too, at least in its current print form, Dan Havlik (friend and Editor-in-Chief of of Shutterbug) has explained that it will continue strongly online.
Sadly none of this remarkable to me, I practiced my trade in print, long before digital and many of the photography magazines I edited, folded too…
So, what may Warhol have to say about this, if he could, perhaps he might repeat this quote “being good in business is the most fascinating kind of art. Making money is art and working is art and good business is the best art”.
Interview Magazine

Shutterbug Magazine

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