Mobile Photography – Instagram TAKEOVER with @sunflowerof 21 – Days 18 – 21
We are so grateful to @sunflowerof21 – Elaine Taylor, whom we entrusted with our Instagram account for 21 days after she was gracefully handed the baton by @tankaqueen – Alexis Rotella. To view all the posts in the series, please go here. Or of course, head over to our @theappwhisperer Instagram account.
On Day 18 @sunflowerof21 highlighted the work of @ikebana_jen – Jennifer Thomas and she writes “@sunflowerof21 here with my next feature from #theappwhisperer tag. What a pleasure it is to share Jen’s image – it’s absolutely gorgeous and so beautifully edited. I adore the textures, details, colours and mood. It’s a work of art!”.
On Day 19 @sunflowerof21 highlighted the work of @italianbrother – Dilshad Corleone and she writes “This is stunning. Those eyes! I love Dil’s portraits – they’re always so captivating and attention-grabbing. Each face full of character, giving a hint to its own unique story. What a treat it is to feature Dil’s work as part of my takeover here. ~ @sunflowerof21″
On Day 20 @sunflowerof21 highlighted the work of @hipstaniteaelle and she writes “I’m a huge fan of the Hipstamatic app. It was the first app I ever downloaded and the one that started my mobile photography passion. Through doing my Hipstamatic 365 project (@sunflowerof21_365) I’ve discovered some amazing igers who use the app to create their images. @hipstanitaelle is one of those. Her feed is wonderful, and full of great Hipstamatic combos. This image is one of my favourites – I love it! ~ @sunflowerof21″.
On Day 21 @sunflowerof21 highlighted the work of @iphoneartgirl – Meri Walker and she writes “@sunflowerof21 here with my final selection from the #theappwhisperer tag. What a beautiful way to finish this takeover. I’ve saved one of my favourites until last. Meri is an amazing mobile artist and an absolute gem in the mobile photography world. One in a million!”
Later on Day 21 @sunflowerof21 dedicated a beautiful image to myself, what an honour, thank you so much dear Elaine and she writes “Hello. @sunflowerof21 signing off from my takeover. Thanks to everyone who followed along. It’s been an honour and a pleasure to have had the reigns of this account over the past 3 weeks. I’m dedicating this image, one of my own, to Joanne Carter to say thank you for for the opportunity. And now I hand the reigns over to one of the best mobile photographers I know – @luison/@luison_street . I’ve shouted loud about how much of a fan I am of his work. I can’t wait to see his selections. Have fun Luis!”
So, very sadly for us we have to ask @sunflowerof21 to hand over the baton to our next featured artist. We are going to miss her (but we have a feeling, she’s not going too far 😉 and we do know that you are all going to be very excited indeed when we tell you who she is handing over the baton to next.
Please keep tagging your images with #TheAppWhisperer if you would like our new featured artist to find your art and hope to be found and possibly featured.
Day 18 – @ikenbana_jen

Day 19 @italianbrother – Dilshad Corleone

Day 20 @hipstanitaelle

Day 21 @iphoneartgirl – Meri Walker

Day 21 @sunflowerof21

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