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Mobile Art and Photography That Has Influenced Me – Interview with Alexis Rotella from the USA

We are delighted to bring you the seventh in our brand new “Mobile Art and Photography that has Influenced Me” series of interviews at TheAppWhisperer. Within this series, we contact well established and highly regarded mobile photographers and artists and ask them a sequence of questions. Each one relates to mobile art and photography that has inveigled and continues to impact them, by other mobile artists throughout the world. Our seventh interview is with Alexis Rotella from the USA, enjoy!

In this interview, Rotella cites work by Rosalie Heller, Kate Zari Roberts, Gianluca Ricoveri, Barbara Nebel, Peter Zelei, Helen Breznik, Caravaggio, Teresa Lunt, Elena Shavlovska and  Marc Chagall.

To read others in this series please go here.

The image that is currently in the forefront of my mind

The image currently on my mind is by Rosalie Heller. Taken in Bagru Rajasthan, India, it brings out the beauty of grunge.

©Rosalie Heller

The image that changed my life

Kate Zari Robert’s dying irises changed the direction of my mobile photography. I fell in love at first sight with this image and began looking more deeply at the entire life cycle not only of flowers but all things.

©Kate Zari Roberts

The image I wish I had created

Gianluca’s ‘parrot tulips’ is a photo I wish I had captured. It contains the energy of the Tuscan landscape with its deep earthy tones. There is a genuine quality to all of Gianluca’s photographs.

‘Parrot Tulips’ ©Gianluca Ricoveri

Artwork that has influenced my art

Barbara Nebel’s exquisite roses open my heart.  Her florals have influenced my life perhaps more than any other photographer.

©Barbara Nebel

The image that is most underrated

On September 4, 2018 when I was in charge of TheAppWhisperer Instagram takeover (@theappwhisperer), I chose Peter Zelei’s woman with red bucket because to me it represents the history of woman and how even after childbirth, women often have to clean up after everyone else. This photograph deserves a lot of attention.

©Peter Zelei

The image that changed my mind

Helen Breznik’s art of the selfie changed my mind about working with my own image. It takes courage to create selfie art especially when one’s bones no longer hold up the musculature.  I love Helen’s beautiful art.

©Helen Breznik

The most recent image that made me sad

When I visited the Louvre as a 24-year-old, I burst into tears when I encountered Caravaggio’s Death of the Virgin. I felt as though I was inside the painting.  No one else around me was sobbing except for one woman behind me. We exchanged knowing looks.

‘Death of the Virgin’ ©Caravaggio

The most recent image that made me smile

Teresa Lunt’s playful iPad drawings bring out the child in me. She is always pushing the envelope and offers free tutorials to anyone who is interested in learning her techniques.

©Teresa Lunt

My comfort images

An image that brings me comfort is this by Marc Chagall. I have always been attracted to his paintings only to realize in mid life that my maternal grandmother was from his birthplace, Vitebsk, Russia.

©Marc Chagall

The image I would most like to give as a gift

If I could give the gift of light to a friend, it would be contained in this photo of Queen Anne’s lace by Elena Shavlovska (magic_marvels). This lovely piece was posted on Instagram with over 3,000 likes.’’

©Elena Shavlovska

My earliest artistic memory

My earliest memory of a painting was of A Mother’s Prayer for her children. I was my little brother’s protector. My mother bought me a large print for a housewarming present and it will always be nearby.

©Anonymous artist- circa 1880


Contact Details for Alexis Rotella

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Senryu Haiku and Tanka Poet, Former President Haiku Society of America (Japan House, 1984), Haiga Artist, iPad artist -- most poets know more about me than I care to elaborate on; I love to listen to the wisdom of Nature and to give words to her inspirations. I am presently haiga editor for the new journal Multiverses at [email protected]. I practice acupuncture and nutrition in Arnold, Maryland and specialize in bioresonance technology. My latest books from Modern English Tanka Press are waiting for you on Check out ELVIS IN BLACK LEATHER, BLACK JACK JUDY AND THE CRISCO KIDS and LIP PRINTS for starters.