Mini Mobile Portfolio Reviews (MMPR) – Relaunch!
We are incredibly excited today to relaunch our popular Mini Mobile Portfolio Reviews (MMPR), with a difference! As our regular readers will be aware, TheAppWhisperer is a pioneering mobile photography and art website with vast social media channels. We are committed and most of all deeply passionate about mobile photography and mobile art and we have been a leading progressive force in this area for ten years. We are committed to elevating this incredible art form and our progress has been exceptional with additional prestigious titles including BBC, Vogue, DPreview and LensCulture now publishing our unique content based on mobile photography/ers.
It is with huge pleasure today, that we announce the relaunch of this phenomenal section. One that we believe will directly help the mobile photographer and/or mobile artist gain more clarity and authentication of their work. Today, we are launching Mini Mobile Portfolio Reviews (MMPR).
This section will be edited entirely by myself, a professional photographer and photographic journalist of many decades. With a wide range of published work throughout the world.
Each MMPR is entirely original and offers potentially one of the greatest investments you will make in developing your work. Our aim, is not only to offer feedback to enable you to progress but also to help you seek further opportunities with your work. We will do this by creating a bespoke portfolio review. This will be a personal review, unless you would like it broadly published and we will be happy to do so.
We will need to make an administrative charge for this service because I am sure you will appreciate, each review will take considerable time and foresight but we are determined to keep the costs to a minimum. If you would like to take up this opportunity, please follow the directions below, of what is needed and please also select the £100 donation selection at the bottom of this form. We will then add your details to our system and you will receive your written portfolio review in due course.
What Is Required
Please Note: This is an Online Submission Process with Written Feedback.
Please read the following information on how to submit your portfolio for a review:
- A Series of images (6-10) and a Set of Single images (10)
Total: 20 max (16 minimum)
- A Set of Single images only (10-20)
Total 20 max (10 minimum)
NOTE: If submitting a series, please label and order the images in the sequence that you want them to be seen. Please submit all content via WeTransfer to [email protected]

Notes For Submission
1) Please indicate how much of your work involves post-production techniques.
2) What mobile camera do you use and which apps have you used to create the images submitted? Please list them.
3) If you have a particular question regarding your work, please include it with your submission.
The MPR will consist of feedback covering:
- Content
This covers the subject matter i.e. what is in the photograph as well as the general approach and overall concept.
- Aesthetics
This covers formal aspects including composition (the arrangement of the elements in the frame), colour, depth of field, blur/sharpness, point of view etc.
- Editing
This covers the selection of images and sequencing (the images in relation to each other).
- General feedback and ways forward
Hello again…please donate
We have a small favour to ask. More people than ever are reading TheAppWhisperer.com and we could not be more excited about that. We specialise in mobile photography and mobile art and we value all of our readers, writers, contributors and viewers but we do have costs and we do need to ask for your help. We at TheAppWhisperer spend many hours each day, each week and each month to bring you this high quality level of journalism. We do it because we are passionate about it and because we want others to be as passionate too.
If everyone who reads our website, who likes it, helps to support it, our future would be so much more secure. Please help us by offering a contribution or supporting us with a monthly donation of your choosing.