Brand New Podcast with Mobile Photographer/Artist Meri Walker and Heather Companiott, Director of Adult Arts Centre and The Native American Program & Festival, Idyllwild, California, United States
While I am in recovery from a really nasty illness, I’d love it if you listen to this wonderful podcast that we recorded a few weeks ago…
We are exceptionally excited today to publish our latest podcast, throughout our vast social media channels, here of course, as well as our dedicated Apple podcast channel. This time we speak with Multi Award Winner, Mobile Photographer and Artist, Meri Walker, from Oregon, United States and Heather Companiott, Director of Adult Arts Centre and The Native American Program & Festival, at IdyllWild Arts, California, United States.
Meri Walker is teaching a five day course at IdyllWild Arts Centre this summer, between 24-28 June, 2019. The course is entitled ‘iPhoneography, it’s not just luck‘. We were intrigued to find out more about this course and the IdyllWild Arts Centre itself. In this podcast Heather shares the beauty of IdyllWild Arts Centre, including its history and Meri shares insights into her bespoke course. We know our audience are going to love this.
To listen to this podcast on our very own Apple Podcast channel, please go here.
Contact Details for the IdyllWild Arts Academy
Main Line: 951.659.2171
Admission Office: 951.468.7223
Summer Registrar Office: 951.468.7265
Academy: [email protected]
Summer: [email protected]
Contact Details for Meri Wallker

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We have a small favour to ask. More people than ever are reading TheAppWhisperer.com and we could not be more excited about that. We specialise in mobile photography and mobile art and we value all of our readers, writers, contributors and viewers but we do have costs and we do need to ask for your help. We at TheAppWhisperer spend many hours each day, each week and each month to bring you this high quality level of journalism. We do it because we are passionate about it and because we want others to be as passionate too.
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