On My Radar Eight Apps for a Desert Island with WiFi by Kerry Mitchell from the United States
We have another brand new section here at TheAppWhisperer called ‘On My Radar’ and this time we are asking a selection of highly talented mobile photographers and artists, which apps they would take with them on a unique desert island, that has wifi! We want to know exactly what apps are really on their radar and why. As well as eight apps, we have also allowed each artist to select a book and a luxury object on this luxury journey. Kicking us off with our third issue of this section, is non other than the highly talented Kerry Mitchell from the United States.
“So I’m off to a desert island with my eight apps, a luxury item and a book. What an adventure. Joanne doesn’t know, but I also snuck in sunscreen!”
First, I absolutely have to bring my new iPad Pro. I can take photos, do editing and paint and read. What more could a woman want? So that’s my luxury item.

For my book, I would bring my all-time favorite play by Tennessee Williams, Cat on a Hot Tin Roof. I absolutely love the characters in this play.

For the apps I want to bring, I would start with Google Chrome. I couldn’t be without my favorite search engine

Another app that I can’t live without is the photo app. I can’t work unless all my photo supplies are organised and my photos are organised in albums.

One of my favorite editing apps is Tangledfx. It is one of my go-to apps. It has basic presets and I have made 30 more.

I have recently discovered the app Repix. It’s been sitting totally ignored on my iPad for a very long time. I found that the brushes down at the end, chalk, Van Gogh, charcoal, daubs and drips are some of my favorites. I used them on this piece.

No collection of apps would be complete without iColorama. It is the app that does just about everything. I used it in this piece to tone the face, bring in attachments, paint, and several other steps.

Procreate is a many-faceted app for me. I use it in my editing. But I’m also a painter. So it is essential to me as my go-to painting app.

And, last but certainly not least is Snapseed. I use Snapseed for cropping, rotating and perspective a lot. But that is just the beginning. I love the new Looks they recently introduced. You can also use the selective, brushes and healing to work on an area of your photo. Then there are many more tools like Drama, Retrolux and Grunge that will completely transform your photo.

Hello again…please donate
TheAppWhisperer has always had a dual mission: to promote the most talented mobile artists of the day and to support ambitious, inquisitive viewers the world over. As the years passTheAppWhisperer has gained readers and viewers and found new venues for that exchange.
All this work thrives with the support of our community.
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Andy Green
MyRadar is a trademark owned by our company, we’ve been trying to reach you – we’re hoping you might be able to change the name of your section to avoid confusion with our company and our app!
Joanne Carter
Many thanks Andy, I’ve renamed the section to ‘On My Radar’ now. Trust that meets with your approval, kind regards Joanne Carter