Using Email Marketing to Promote your Instagram Profile
Marketing online is without a doubt one of the best ways to market in the modern day. Billions of people use the internet around the world and they all have the potential to be reached via online marketing. Historically, email marketing was the king and was the best way to market online. However recently, social media marketing has become incredibly popular as people try to use their following to sell a product or service. In fact, many people believe the two are competitors.
However, they don’t have to compete, as both are viable for many companies. In fact, they can actually work together. Did you know that email marketing can actually help promote and grow your following on Instagram and other social media platforms? Well, it’s true. Email marketing can help you reach tons of people and promote your account in a single click. Not only that, but your email list isn’t prone to any algorithm changes like social media accounts and search engines can be.
Of course, if you are going to use email marketing to promote your profile, you want to ensure the emails you send to are valid. Thankfully, there are companies and services that can help validate and verify emails. If you want to check out and compare some of the best, check out this article: Top 10 Bulk Email Verification and Validation Services Compared – Accuweb Hosting.
But without any further ado, lets look at how to use email marketing to promote your Instagram profile successfully.
Include it in Your Signature
The first and most non-invasive way to use email to promote your Instagram page is to simply put your handle in your email signature. This will show up to everyone who views the email, but will do it in a tasteful way. Another way to do this is to include a button or icon within your email that goes directly to your account.
This is a great way to promote your account, without overdoing it and essentially e-begging your email list to follow you. If you are too forward or aggressive, many subscribers might be turned off by that, and could leave your email list entirely. However, unless you draw attention to the link, button or handle, many people may simply skip over it and might not convert. Thankfully, we can do better.
Include Quality Photos and Content in the Emails Itself
While mentioning your account or putting a link to it is great, you are better off showing them the kinds of content you post. Posting the actual photos on your account (with links of course) when they make sense can be a winning strategy for growing and promoting your account.
By people actually seeing the photos of your Instagram account, they will be more likely to click through and potentially follow. Photos convert a lot better than text, so including your photos when they make sense can be very fruitful. Of course, if you send out a newsletter in addition to emails, be sure to include photos there as well. However, be careful not to overwhelm your subscribers with a ton of photos in every email.
Link to Relevant Content Only
However, there is a cautionary tale here. If your email list and your Instagram page are not very closely related, tread lightly and don’t include photos just to include them. Your email subscribers are subscribed to receive content and offers that line up with their interests. Nothing can turn people off quicker than showing them (or selling them) stuff that they are not interested in or isn’t on-brand.
For example, if your email subscribers are interested in fashion advice and deals, but your account is about nature photo shoots, don’t post those photos, as they aren’t relevant. If links or photos aren’t relevant, they won’t grow your account, and might actually cause people to leave your email list.
If you don’t have any relevant content to list, you are better off creating some or finding a unique way to spin the Instagram content you already have into something that fits your email list. People will see right through your attempts to promote unrelated content with no effort, so be careful and ensure everything included is relevant and valuable.
In conclusion, we hope this article has been able to help you learn how to effectively use email marketing to promote your Instagram profile.