Mobile Movies – Smartphone Film Competition supported by Sony with Huge $/£ Prize
This competition is supported by Sony Mobile Communications Inc., which produces smartphone Xperia™ (Sony Mobile). It aims to expand the creator’s range of expression and opportunities for challenges. We support the creation of filmmaking creativity unique to smartphones.
This is a free to enter competition. The submission period is August 1, 2020 – January 31, 2021.
The prize is 600,000 Japanese Yen, which converts (today) to $5,680.00 or £4,338.00
Eligibiity and entry details are below:
1. Short Films fully shot by smartphones. Any equipment could be used for editing. No limitation of brands of smartphones.
2. Japan Premiere
Not required
3. Genre
Any genres are accepted.
4. Running Time
25 minutes or under. No exceptions. Running time includes end credits.
5. Production Year
The film must have been produced after June 1, 2019.
The festival committee will determine the production date of your film based on the copyright year listed in the end credits.
6. Production Country
7. Language
English subtitles are required for submissions with languages other than English or Japanese.
8. Formats
Movie file.
Award and Prize
Best Short Award: 600,000 Japanese Yen
In addition to the above, “Biogen Award” will be selected out of the films nominated to SSFF & ASIA 2021 competitions.
Biogen Award – 300,000 Japanese Yen
Biogen has continued to provide ethical pharmaceuticals for neurological diseases based on its vision of etgMake Impossible Possible in Neuroscience汩h.
Among the films to be screened, the Biogen Award will be presented to a film that powerfully conveys the theme of mpgMake Impossible Possiblesch.
Submit here
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