Mobile Symphonies Exhibition – Results of this Epic Competition
After a great deal of deliberation, we are thrilled to announce the twelve selected images for our Mobile Symphonies Exhibition. Each one of these images demonstrated excellence in their representation of iconic musical pieces or artists in extraordinary mobile artworks. These images can been seen online in our Mobile Symphonies Facebook group and are to be exhibited in TheAppWhisperer’s prestigious online gallery this fall.
We thank each of you who submitted their work. Given that the standard of artwork was so incredibly high, the selection process was truly difficult. There were so many truly wonderful entries.
Many thanks also to the jurors, Peter Wilkin, Jane Schultz, Joanne Carter, Lorenka Campos and Clint Cline for all their hard work during the judging process and sincere thanks to every single one of you who responded to our Mobile Symphonies Call.
The Winners are…
Here are the twelve works of art that have been selected for their visual expressions of the identified music. Huge congratulations to all the artists including:
Armineh Hovanesian for My Life In A Bush Of Ghosts (-Brian Eno & David Byrne)
Carlos Paz for Vedrò con mio diletto (- Antonio Vivaldi)
Carol Weibe for Angel (-Annie Lennox)
Dale Bradshaw Botha for Still Got The Blues For You (-Gary Moore)
James Ellis for Brothers in Arms (-Dire Straits)
Joyce Harkin for Hotel California (-The Eagles)
Kathleen Magner Rios for Be Here Now (-Ray LaMontagne)
M. Cecilia Sáo Thiago for Bohemian Rhapsody (-Queen)
Maria De Guzman for Time After Time (-Cyndi Lauper)
Mariette Schrijver for The crying Light (-Antony and The Johnsons)
Sarah Bichachi for her Blackbird (-The Beatles)
Tanya Solonyka (Same as it ever was, Talking Heads)
Special Awards Announcement To Follow!
Please read…
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