Mobile Photography & Art – Portrait of an Artist Video Showcase ‘Anxiety may not be our favorite feeling…’
We are delighted to publish this video showcase from our Portrait of an Artist group by our highly qualified editor, Maria Cecilia de São Thiago. She has selected the very best images from our dedicated Flickr Group as well as our Instagram Group expressing ‘anxiety may not be our favourite feeling…’
Please take a look at this video and the high level of work that continues to astound us. If you would like to be featured, in the future, please ensure you’re contributing your images to these groups so we can find and include your work. Huge thanks and many congratulations to M Cecilia Sao Thiago and to all she has included here. (foreword by Joanne Carter – TheAppWhisperer).
“The neuroscientist and author Joseph LeDoux has called anxiety “the price we pay for an ability to imagine the future.”
“That’s what anxiety is,” he said in 2016 an imagination of a future that hasn’t happened yet, but that we are concerned with, worried about, dreading, and so on.”
Anxiety may not be our favorite feeling to deal with, but 2020 has come to break all the rules and now that it is ending, we are still faced with problems that we are unable to solve on our own.
But in art there is another side to it all. There is always another side … Maybe we are more sensitive, maybe others see something “unusual” in us, but see that anxiety and creativity are closely linked. The example is in this video.
Anxiety is a common experience shared by “creative types”, experienced very differently from person to person, although the external symptoms in different individuals may have similarities. It is a defense mechanism that can be a reaction to the surrounding environment or to something that can happen in the future, and it can be a reaction to something from the past, even from childhood.
So, if you saw yourself as an anxious being in this pandemic year, accept the creative gift you received and celebrate your uniqueness. Use it. Use what scares you to stay motivated and creative”.
Don’t forget to tag all your portraits and self-portraits on IG
Artists in order of appearance:
- Joe LeGrand
- @joe.legrand61
- Brian Purnell
- @brianhpurnellblackandwhite
- Vicki Cooper
- @vadqcooper
- James Ellis
- @badgrowshop
- Fatma Korkut
- @fadik___
- James Ellis
- @badgrowshop
- Cindy Karp
- cindykarpiphonephotographer
- Sarah Bichachi
- @sarahbichachi
- Antonio Freitas
- @afreitas_artmobile
- Cynthia Anderson Morgan
- @camorgan.art
- Sandrine Futureve
- @eveofthefuture
- MaryJane Rosenfeld
- @emjai_
- Janis Brandenburg Lee
- @janisbrandenburg
- Jane Schultz
- @before.1st.light
- Damian De Souza
- @remintrusions
- Carol Wiebe
- @carolannwiebe
- Nora Griffin Bokor
- @ngriff56
- Jenny Pieters
- @sodium_light22
- Catherine Schell Caddigan
- @catherinecaddigan
- Bridget (Bree) Robertson
- @wemarriage_goddess
Video Showcase
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