Mobile Photo Essays
Tickle Your Fancy #44 – Photo Essays
Welcome back to our forty fourth post in our new section ‘Tickle Your Fancy’. ‘Tickle Your Fancy’ includes a round-up of between three to five links to articles from around the internet that have specifically interested us during the course of the week. Ones that we feel are relevant to your interest in photography and art. Just to explain the title for this section ‘Tickle Your Fancy’ is an English idiom and essentially means that something appeals to you and perhaps stimulates your imagination in an enthusiastic way, we felt it would make a great title for this new section of the site. This week we’re truly buoyed by our…
Mobile Photo Essays – New Column On TheAppWhisperer!
We are delighted to announce a brand new Column on entitled ‘Mobile Photo Essays’. This Column will be edited by multi talented and highly qualified Gina Costa (a museum curator and lecturer on 20th century art and photography) and will include full coverage of mobile photo essays, along with interviews with photographers and additional articles. We are so delighted that Gina has agreed to join us and we can’t wait to view your fabulous essays. Please can you forward your essays to Gina directly here – [email protected] and to myself here – [email protected]. You can choose to create your photo essays using an app, or separately, we really do not mind,…
Mobile Photo Essays – Tips On Structuring Yours
Hopefully you have seen and read our introductory article with excellent tips to get you started creating your own Mobile Photo Essays, if not, please go here. This article will give you ideas on structuring your photo essay, there’s nothing cast in stone. You may wish to use a combination of these options. Process If your photo essay is demonstrating how something is created (literal or not) from beginning to end then this is a good format. It could be the creation of an art painting, or something like an arrest – both are relevant. Chronology This does not have to be ‘real time’ it can be implied but…
Mobile Photo Essays – Some Great Tips!
I have detailed below some excellent tips to create your own Mobile Photo Essays. I’ve also added a few links to some excellent favorite essays of my own. Go here to read our Structuring Tips Wonderful example photo essay links: NYTimes MotherJones Magnumphotos Time Lightbox Photo Essay Tips – Signature Photo A photo that summarizes the entire issue and illustrates essential elements of the story. This might be a photo of woman — maybe your main character — as with the example above and the link here to the complete photo Essay. Establishing or Overall Shot A wide-angle shot to establish the scene.The idea of the establishing shot is…