Mobile Photography & Art Showcase 8 August 2021
To nourish our souls we must become familiar with emotional honesty as a term, as well as a reality, we should embrace it if we want to experience anything but raw emotional tinnitus. This weeks mobile photography and art showcase is an act of love. It represents life with all the intricate layers it tells. Fiercely intelligent, honest and entertaining this is a very satisfying immersion with close emotional focus at its heart of mobile photography and art, making it one of the most gripping showcases we have published. Enjoy! If you would like your work to be considered for entry into our weekly Mobile Photography and Art flickr group,…
Mobile Photography & Art Flickr and Instagram Showcase – 29 November 2020
Art can take you anywhere and nowhere more immediately or more variously than within our mobile photography and art showcase this week. It abounds with hidden treasures: the world seen and understood through the mind and gifts of each artist. Enjoy! Thank you to all the talented artists for submitting your works to our showcase this week. If you would like your work to be considered for entry in to our weekly Mobile Photography and Art Flickr Group, please submit it to our dedicated group, here. You can also submit images to our Instagram tag for this section#theappwhisperer. Karen Axelrad, Vadim Demjianov, David DeNagel, Jun Yamaguchi, Clint Cline, Susan Rennie, Rita Colantonio, Kathy…
Mobile Photography & Art – Flickr/Instagram Group Showcase – 29 September 2019
Susan lived “in constant terror that [her mother] would withdraw suddenly and arbitrarily.” […] In the house she grew up in, love was not given unconditionally. Instead, it was extended temporarily, only to be dropped at will: a winnerless game whose rules the girl learned far too well. I am currently reviewing new literature by Benjamin Moser, a heavy tome of a book, entitled “Sontag: Her Life and Work”, sent to me by Allen Lane the publishers and a subsidiary of Penguin Books. I’ve not finished this book, not by a long way (yet). This week has been a tough one personally, not least with the resurgence of early years’…
Mobile Photography & Art – Flickr Group Showcase – 17 June 2018
Mobile Art and its artists need their audience, this showcase manifests with my welcoming spirit, embodying feelings with a kind of jovial gratitude and there’s a reason for that. This is an elegant, charming and poetically simple showcase within its means and methods. The opening image should stop you in its tracks and the rest will take you on a journey, clearly without rudimentary structure. It is figuratively tied together with pure arte povera, in the sense of art, without the restraints of traditional practices and materials. Deep within its core, hear the screams of belief in the democratic mutuality of art. The metaphor is overwhelming. Thank you to all…
Mobile Photography & Art – Flickr Group Showcase – 10 June 2018
“Happily ever after is a very relative thing. I’m grateful that I get to be alive”, this is one of the many excerpts from the deepest conversations I had for many years, with our mutual friend, dear Carolyn Hall Young. I miss her immensely, everyday and everyone I’ve ever spoken to, who has known her, has the same feelings. Why is it that some people make such an impact on our lives, out of the thousands and thousands that we know now or will know, what is it, that pushes them into our hearts and keeps them there? There are many answers to this complex question and I would say…
Mobile Photography & Art – Flickr Group Showcase – 27 May 2018
This whole showcase is theatre. We open with ‘Red Heart (peel)’ by highly accomplished mobile artist, Poetic Medium who describes her inspiration of her work (in our interview in full here), as ‘the poetry of modern living’. It is an expression of the beliefs of the majority, I would say. Poetic Medium, understands that art should be experienced by both body and mind, by hands, touch as well as eyes and sight. This showcase expresses this view, my curation is not always to create something wholly new but to draw attention to what is already there. As you penetrate this body of art, you’ll become aware of its fluidity and…
Mobile Photography & Art Flickr Group Showcase – 21 January 2018
A work of remarkable cinematic scope, this weeks Mobile Photography and Art Flickr Group Showcase portrays an unusual mix of qualities, combining powerful social realism with poetic lyrical resonances that derive from precise imagery and fascination with cultural observations. Revealing the challenges of life around the world right here, right now, at a time when women’s lives in particular are becoming substantially illimitable. ‘We tell ourselves stories in order to live’ wrote Joan Didion, one of America’s greatest essayists and that’s true, of course but in my mind, we create imagery in order to breathe. Enjoy! Thank you to all artists for submitting your works. If you would like your…
Mobile Photography & Art Flickr Group Showcase – 1 October 2017
Shallow sleep dreams are the sources of many of my best ideas, when my pillow starts to vibrate, I set the long snooze function, hovering between consciousness. Once I have an idea, I scrutinise, explore and practice it. I then reshape that idea into other forms of art, dance, music, stage, I keep it turning for more and more possibilities. I develop a script and then I deliberately lose it, an idea is only a map, to find the treasure I have to walk it, experience and develop it. Development then takes on another form, it cannot be produced from a place of safety, that’s just dull. Locations have emotional…
Mobile Photography & Art Flickr Group Showcase – 27 August 2017
“There is a form of envy of which I frequently have seen examples, in which an individual tries to obtain something by bullying. If, for instance, I enter a place where many are gathered, it often happens that one or another right away takes up arms against me by beginning to laugh; presumably he feels that he is being a tool of public opinion. But lo and behold, if I then make a casual remark to him, that same person becomes infinitely pliable and obliging. Essentially it shows that he regards me as something great, maybe even greater than I am: but if he can’t be admitted as a participant…
Mobile Photography & Art Flickr Group Showcase – 30 July 2017
Life is full of meaning, each moment that we live it, we experience life at its most paramount. We don’t need to travel to distant monasteries or wade through volumes of text in enormous libraries. Life is not a great secret, life is real, untapped right here, right now. At TheAppWhisperer I constantly strive to bring a culture of belonging, inclusion, purpose, storytelling and transcendence because fundamentally that is what life is about. It is how I live in my private life, it brings meaning into my family and it is that inspiration that all of you bring to our community. TheAppWhisperer is not only about the very best mobile…