Mobile Photography & Art – Flickr Group Showcase – 10 June 2018
“Happily ever after is a very relative thing. I’m grateful that I get to be alive”, this is one of the many excerpts from the deepest conversations I had for many years, with our mutual friend, dear Carolyn Hall Young. I miss her immensely, everyday and everyone I’ve ever spoken to, who has known her, has the same feelings. Why is it that some people make such an impact on our lives, out of the thousands and thousands that we know now or will know, what is it, that pushes them into our hearts and keeps them there? There are many answers to this complex question and I would say…
Mobile Photography & Art Flickr Group Showcase 22 January 2017
"There were things that burned away at me, not only as a private individual, but also as a citizen of our century, our pixelated age. What does it mean to be lonely? How do we live, if we’re not intimately engaged with another human being? How do we connect with other people, particularly if we don’t find speaking easy? Is sex a cure for loneliness, and if it is, what happens if our body or sexuality is considered deviant or damaged, if we are ill or unblessed with beauty? And is technology helping with these things? Does it draw us closer together, or trap us behind screens"? A quote from…