Mobile Photography & Art – Flickr Group Showcase – 9 January 2022
I like to create targets for myself, that way, it helps me to keep on schedule and achieve what I intend to do. For so long, I’ve been reading one book a week and by doing so, it allows me to travel, throughout the world, there’s a sense of freedom I experience with each page turned. This week I’ve been reading a novel about economic migrancy, called The Road Home. A subject we’re all aware of but so often ignore. The author Rose Tremain tackles the issues brilliantly. The main character, Lev is 42 and has left his Russian home following the recent death of his beloved wife from leukemia…
Mobile Photography & Art Flickr and Instagram Showcase – 1 December 2020
“It cannot be a conincidence that just about the time that photographers stopped discussing whether photography is an art, it was acclaimed as one by the general public and photography entered, in force, into the museum. The museum’s naturalistion of photography as art is the conclusive victory of the century-long campaign waged by modernist taste on behalf of an open-ended definition of art, photography offering a much more suitable terrain that painting for this effort“, On Photography, Susan Sontag, . And so, is the becoming of mobile photography and art as we all continue to elevate this artform and there are none so better artists to do so, than the…
Mobile Photography & Art Instagram Showcase – 9 August 2020
The chronological picture or photo essay is something that is often repeated in contemporary photography and can be very compelling. Linear picture narratives guide us from a beginning point to an end point which is in line with classical ways of forming narrative. The sequencing of the images is important in ordering the unfolding narrative; we’re guided by the photographers intentions. However, there’s an important difference between the picture essay (or story) and a piece of classical prose. A writer will give you the information they want to tell you in a precise order that you, as a reader, aren’t in control of (unless you read the back pages first).…
Mobile Photography & Art – Flickr/Instagram Group Showcase – 15 September 2019
“Help I have done it again. I have been here many times before. Hurt myself again today, and, the worst part is there’s no one else to blame. Be my friend, hold me, wrap me up, unfold me, I am small, I’m needy, warm me up, and breathe me. Ouch! I have lost myself again, lost myself and I am no where to be found, yeah, I think that I might break, lost myself again again and I feel unsafe, Be my friend, hold me, wrap me up, unfold me, I am small, I’m needy, warm me up and breathe me….” lyrics to this weeks immaculate mobile photography and art…