Mobile Photography & Art – Flickr Group Showcase – 19 December 2021
Eighteen months and it still goes on, some say worse now than ever before. I’ve not started disinfecting the groceries again yet though and hope never to start. It is interesting to learn of the impact the pandemic has had on mobile art. We have have asked and published some answers to that by award winning artists here and also in another series here. What seems ever more important is how connected we all are and how much we care for one another. Many of us have experienced isolation, confinement, even claustrophobia and especially depression. Our walls enclosing us, as our government’s fail to govern. We remember our first trips…
Mobile Photography & Art – Flickr/Instagram Group Showcase – 25 August 2019
“Everything was calm. The sun was shining. I was swimming in the deep. And then, when I surfaced twenty years later, I discovered there was a storm, a whirlpool, a blasting gale lifting the waves over my head. At first I wasn’t sure I’d make it back to the boat and then I realised I didn’t want to make it back to the boat. Chaos is supposed to be what we most fear but I have come to believe it might be what we most want. If we don’t believe in the future we are planning, the house we are mortgaged to, the person who sleeps by our side, it…