Mobile Photography Competition Results of Honourable Mentions Announced – Impossible Humans – The Unexpected Happening Exhibition
We are delighted to publish the Honourable Mentions of the Impossible Humans – The Unexpected Happening Exhibition due to be displayed in Rome on 12 March 2016, at the Galleria Lancellotti. Many thanks to Andrea Bigiarini for creating and hosting this event and to all the jurors involved. Many congratulations to all the Honourable Mentions, these include: Arpi, Lee Atwell, Lorenka Campos, Cindy Buske, Emma Amar, Armineh Hovanesian, Joshua Sarinana, Manuela Basaldella, Martin Duerr and Ginaluca Ricoveri.
Mobile Photography – Portrait of an Artist – New Editors and Fifteenth Video Showcase!
We are delighted to announce two new editors will be joining us here at TheAppWhisperer to assist with our Portrait of an Artist popular mobile portraiture group. Jennifer Bracewell is currently taking a temporary break and we are very pleased to welcome Michelle Robinson and Ile Mont as co-editors. The door is held widely open for Jennifer’s return, whenever that may be and we look forward to her joining this fabulous team! Robinson and Mont are both highly talented mobile portraiture artists themselves and are hugely supportive of this medium. Our Portrait of an Artist Column will continue along the theme that we have always had, with artists uploading their…