Mobile Photography & Art – Flickr/Instagram Group Showcase – 27 October 2019
I spend everyday thinking creatively, as indeed all our readers do and I would go so far as to say, everyone does in somepart. What does surprise me is when writers bandy around the phrase ‘creative industries‘. I can honestly say, hand on heart, I don’t know of any ‘uncreative industries‘. Creativity is the most powerful competitive advantage any business can possess. New ideas, fresh thinking are the fizz companies to make their business’s pop. There’s this overriding notion that creative artists are cut from a different cloth, this needs to be debunked. Young children overspill with ideas, they cannot hold back. Earlier this week, I was walking one of…
Mobile Photography & Art – Flickr/Instagram Group Showcase – 8 September 2019
This week, I’d like to talk with you about courage and it’s scary, being creative is a path for the brave. If you lose courage, you lose creativity. Each one of you has hidden treasures within you, as do I and we need to bring them to light and it takes a lot of faith and hard work, not least devotion. It’s important to say ‘no’ at times, I suppose, not that I’m one for that, it’s easy to say ‘no’, you’re off the hook but if you say ‘yes’ then what happens? It’s showtime! There are times, when you might need to lay low, as I have this week,…
Mobile Photography & Art – Flickr/Instagram Group Showcase – 18 August 2019
All the players in this weeks mobile photography and art showcase come together in a heightened climax whilst simultaneously unravelling within an orgy of sight and sound. There’s a sense of joy thats imperative throughout, as we begin at the end with an an image, untitled by I Rome, lending a certain panache. It revels in nostaligic as it glides overwrought with energy matching the earnest angst of the narrative, complemented by the mournful strains of Veda Gail’s ‘Falling Too’. This energy is tangible within the showcase; as a refreshingly invigorating and unvarnished romance, underscored with a hint of tragedy and thrumming with anxious life. Bravo! Thank you to all…
Mobile Photography & Art – Flickr/Instagram Group Showcase – 11 August 2019
This weeks climactic mobile photography and art showcase is an irresistible blend of portraiture, street, still life, landscape and more, guaranteeing a sugar rush of delirious enjoyment. Thank you to all the talented artists for submitting your works to our showcase this week. If you would like your work to be considered for entry in to our weekly Mobile Photography and Art Flickr Group, please submit it to our dedicated group, here. You can also submit images to our Instagram tag for this section #theappwhisperer. sunflowerof21_365 – Elaine Taylor, Lydia Cassatt, Eliza Badoiu, @elisrealize – Elis, @bonobostonecreations – Bonobo Stone, @after.1st.illumination – Jane Schultz, Anca Balaj, @vadqcooper – Vicki Cooper,…
Mobile Photography & Art – Flickr/Instagram Group Showcase – 28 July 2019
‘Would you like a cappuccino?‘ the early morning shadow, prickly with dark stubble, leans over, breathes into my ear bushing my lips. I am asked the same question in the same way, every single morning and still I tingle. The answer is always the same, ‘yes, please, x 3‘ . And so the narrative begins, bringing together two lives, in an emotional and intense drama. We have been in love for many years and each day we develop new neural pathways to ensure we keep meandering along in the present, not only with passion and compassion but also with love and humanity. We are promiscuous observers of photography and art, there’s…
Reflect Mirror Camera Competition Results! – TheAppWhisperer
Wow, what an incredible collection of images we have received to our Reflect Mirror Camera App Competition – just stunning! We asked our wonderful artists to create an image using this app, developed by Brain Fever Media and did they deliver! Our competition has been running over on Instagram, within our hashtag #theappwhisperer_reflect. Please take a look at all of the entries. This was a very difficult competition to judge but I have made my decision. The overall winner and receiver of a new 4-in-1 Olloclip lens system, Olloclip Case and a copy of Kat Sloma’s ‘Art with an iPhone’ book, is @rzh_edits – Ryan Hacker from Austin, Texas. Our…