Our Daily App Giveaway – Master Pieces: The Curator’s App for iPhone
Welcome once again to our Daily App Giveaway section of theappwhisperer. We value our readers so much we want to share our love of apps with you. That’s why we have created this new section as each day we will be giving away free apps.
Today we have ten Master Pieces: The Curator’s Game for iPhone apps to giveaway, each worth $2.99/£1.99. This is an excellent app and one that allows you to train your “curatorial eye” and learn what makes a masterpiece great while playing fun games and reading Thomas Hoving’s inspired clues and essays. Kids (ages 6 plus) and adults enjoy playing the game and learning (or re-learning) about these works of art and how to really appreciate the details.
The games are based on over 210 details from 54 masterpieces, challenge you to identify the artist of a detail with help from clues and the ability to view the full work. There are two ways to play. The first does require any background in art history while the second is for those who know (or, think they know) all about the classics.
You can read more about this app below but would you like to try this app for free? Here’s what we need you to do…
Firstly, answer this question about the app, (the answer is within the detail), ‘how many actual masterpieces are the games based on?”
Then like us on Facebook, join our ever expanding Twitter followers, RETWEET THIS POST and send a reply with your answer to the question to the bottom of this page telling us what you love most about theappwhisperer.com. We will sift through the answers and select ten winners at random.
We reviewed the earlier version of this app, the iPad version and you can read about that here, and we also interviewed the developer, you can read that here. We will soon be publishing our review of this version, so keep checking back for that.
Game 1: Study then Guess presents six masterpieces for you to study and memorize the artists’ names. Then, when you are ready, play the round by guessing the artist who painted each detail shown. The game does not require any prior knowledge of art history.
Game 2: Guess the Artist randomly presents you with details from any of our masterpieces for which you must guess the artist. If you are an art expert, jump right in and see how you do. Otherwise, play the first two games and study the gallery section first to give yourself a refresher.
At any point, players can go to the gallery to read Tom’s essays and view **high definition** photographs of each piece where you can zoom in and find your own favorite details. The essays are succinct, informative, and entertaining and focus on the personality of the artist, perhaps a struggle or two overcome to create the masterpiece, and an outline the story of the painting.
The games is based on 54 masterpieces
Thanks to TheAppWhispere.com I got more than a couple of great apps for free.
Thank you.
Wow, what for a great educational game. It’s based on 54 masterpieces.
I like the exeptional apps which i can win from theappwhisperer.com 🙂
All done, and a Happy New Year!
Seems very interesting game ! Would love a try of it !
Thanks for sharing ! (^_^)