Lola Mitchell – Extension Of The I – Interview – A Truly Outstanding Mobile Photographer
Welcome to another new series of interviews and insights that we are running on This new section, entitled, Extension Of The I, goes deeper into the photographic aspects of mobile photography. It delves into the lives and thoughts and influences that our artists experience from their photography. No other mobile photography website reaches the depths and emotions of the mobile photographers as we do in this new series of interviews, if you’ve missed our previous interviews of this series, you can read them here.
We think you’re going to enjoy this, a lot. Today, we are featuring Lola Mitchell, we recently interviewed Lola in our A Day In The LIfe Interview series, if you missed that you can read it here.. Her love of photography started early, thanks to her father who was a professional photographer – Jorge Damonte. Through him, Lola learnt about other photographers and artists. He taught her the ropes and she dabbled in the darkroom. Lola explains that she always took photographs but never felt the urge to share or do anything further with them, that all changed with the iPhone.
Lola’s career, pre-kids was in production of documentary television and once she had kids she kept on taking photos and the iPhone gave her an outlet for more artistic montages. Lola’s work has been featured on many popular mobile photography sites and on Instagram her images were featured by @mobile artistry and @wearejuxt. More recently, Lola’s images were displayed at the Los Angeles Mobile Arts Festival.
Read more about Lola in the following interview. You can find all the links to the apps mentioned at the end of this article.
(If you would like to be interviewed for our new ‘A day in the life of …’ section, just send an email to [email protected], and we’ll get it set up.)
Lola Mitchell

© Lola Mitchell
@sasseefrench on Instagram and Eyem
First Things First

© Lola Mitchell – ‘My Wings’ – Decim8 of a photo of a pond and a crane taken on Camera+, Hipstamatic, Superimpose, ScratchCam
Joanne – How did you get started in photography?
Lola – My father was a photographer, so I always took photos. I still remember being in the darkroom with him when I was 7. To see this image appear was just magical. I have always had a camera and always been a little gear obsessed. The iPhone has been a liberation. I am happy with what I have. Its also the first time I feel the need to share what I do.

© Lola Mitchell – ‘Pause’ – Camera +, Rainy Daze, Image Blender
Joanne – Who and what are your influences?
Lola – My family for one was very artistic. My father was a photographer, my uncle a playwright, actor, illustrator, my mother a contemporary dancer. They were part of this huge community of artists from Argentina in Paris. My husband is also an incredible artist, he makes these incredible post apocalyptic wearable masks. I love the way he shares his work and the way he thinks. There are so many amazing photographers. I love the internet and that now I can follow their work through Instagram, Flickr, IPA, Eyem etc…I get inspired by everything though, books, movies, music, paintings.

© Lola Mitchell – ‘Playground’ – Native camera, MarbleCam, iColorama, Image Blender, picFx, Photo Fx ultra
Joanne – What draws you to the subjects you seek?
Lola – Probably personal taste. If it inspires me, makes me smile, looks beautiful.Right now because of life I am constantly with my children and so they become my main characters.

© Lola Mitchell – ‘Pond’ – Awesome Camera, PicFX, Magic Hour
Joanne – What is it about these subjects that you want to capture/communicate and ultimately convey in your images?
Lola – Vulnerability, the raw emotion and the sense of magical discovery. Freeze this moment in time if it is captured correctly. Show what I see in an expression or the way a person is standing by incorporating them in a surreal setting.

© Lola Mitchell – ‘regarde’ – Camera+, Image Blender, Pix, Snapseed
Joanne – How did you ‘settle’ on this subject?
Lola – Right now it is what my life revolves around.

© Lola Mitchell – ‘Rising’ – Native Camera, Image Blender, PicFX
Joanne – Is there another are/subject that you would like to explore, if so, what and why?
Lola – Yes dancers. I have been wanting to do a whole series on dancers. I am fascinated by movement. Also continue my black and white portrait series.

© Lola Mitchell – ‘Silence’ – Hipstamatic, Artree, Rainy Daze, Smoosh, Snapseed
Joanne – Which photographers (not necessarily mobile photographers) do you most admire and why?
Lola – Peter Beard, Edward Steichen, Saul Leiter, Annie leiboviz, Irving Penn….so many. iPhoneographer’s there are so many! Souichi Furusho, Sara Tune, Hedyna, Krapoz, Carlein, Joel Adam, Mel Harrison, Millo Salgado. Here is the link to more I have bookmarked on
Street Photography

© Lola Mitchell – ‘Silverwalk’ – Hipstamatic, Camera+, Artree, Superimpose, Snow Daze, Rainy Daze, Alien Sky
Joanne – Henri Cartier-Bresson is in many ways, the Godfather of street photography, even in the 1930’s he enjoyed using a small camera for discretion in order to capture people and tell a story – do you feel this way regarding mobile photography?
Lola – Yes. I have a big DSLR and when out and about it never got use much. For me taking that big camera out of the bag was removing myself from the moment. I also felt everyone got instantly self conscious. I like capturing people in their natural state. I think it is easier to forget someone is taking photos when it is done with an iPhone.

© Lola Mitchell – ‘Solo Stroll’ – Native Camera, Image Blender, Snapseed, Laminar
Joanne – Tell us about your photographic technique – do you rely on intuition or do you believe in a more formal/trained approach?
Lola – I rely on my intuition. I do read about technique but when I take photos I do not think about that. I just hope the knowledge gets absorbed into my head somehow.

© Lola Mitchell – ‘Stencil boy’ – Hipstamatic, Juxtaposer, Snapseed
Joanne – How has your photography evolved?
Lola – I am learning how I like my photos to be framed and what I look for in them. I rarely just post my almost unedited photos but I now only work with photos I love as is. I also have more and more a complete photo in my head before I start cutting and blending.
All For One

© Lola Mitchell – ‘Still here’ – Camera+, Image Blender, Rainy Daze
JC – Many of the great photographers, Jacques Henri Lartigue, Robert Frank, Henri Cartier Bresson described only shooting images for “themselves”do you see this attitude with mobile photographers?
Lola – I do. I take photos because it makes me happy. I do all this editing because I want to see the result and the process relaxes me. When I edit I do not see time go by. I dream of photos, have thousands of places I would love to shoot and people. It has become a huge part of my life. That said feedback is essential and I would lie if I said I do not care if people like my photos or not.

© Lola Mitchell – ‘Strangeland’ – Camera+, Image Blender, Alien Sky, Laminar
Joanne – Do you take risks with photographs, push boundaries? If yes, please give examples, if no, why not, would you like to?
Lola – I don’t know that I do. I give myself challenges when I shoot. I try to do what feels right and looks good to me.
Favorite Image

© Lola Mitchell – ‘The Glow’ – Camera+, Artree, Superimpose, Rays, Snow Daze
Joanne – What is your favorite picture, of your own and why?
Lola – Well I can think of two for different reasons. Stencil boy because it was my first attempt at using apps and was featured on Lifeinlofi for their weekly selection. The other is Love because I cannot believe I was able to capture this moment with my daughter. I was using my husband’s iPhone taking photos of him and my boy and just turned the iPhone around.
Emotional Involvement

© Lola Mitchell – ‘The View’ – Camera+, Image Blender, Touch Retouch, picFX
Joanne – Do you get emotionally involved with your photography?
Lola – Yes and I think that it can only be that way. I am trying to show how I perceive the world.

© Lola Mitchell – ‘To Infinity’ – Camera+, Image Blender, Touch Retouc, Laminar
Joanne – Does your life become entwined with your subjects?
Lola – So far all my subjects have been friends and family. I think I would have to. Essentially when you shoot a portrait you are trying to capture the essence of the person. I think you can only do that if you get to know them a little, or recognize something in them.
Post Production (Processing)

© Lola Mitchell – ‘Under The Sea’ – Camera+, Superimpose, Image Blender
Joanne – Do you have a special post-processing style?
Lola – I don’t think I do. I try to constantly get better, learn and evolve. I don’t always have the time but I wish I knew everything the apps I possess offer.
Tips For Processing

© Lola Mitchell – ‘Venetian Paris’ – Camera+, Image Blender, Rainy Daze, Color Lake
Joanne – Do you have any tips for processing?
Lola – My advice is have fun with it. Enjoy the process. Oh and beware of the resolution of your photo at all times.

© Lola Mitchell – ‘Watching Birds Fly’ – Hipstamatic, Camera+, Artree, Superimpose, Rainy Daze, Image Blender
Joanne – Do you have a digital workflow system to sort your images, if so what is it?
Lola – Not really. I mean I transfer all to iPhotos. My system is simple, I have a monthly folder for iPhone and one for the iPad. Every few months, it gets transferred to hard drive and burnt onto disc. I do want to get more organized. Maybe have a folder for all my bird pics, trees etc…

© Lola Mitchell – ‘Wee’ – Camera+, Juxtaposer
Joanne – How do you think photography has changed over the years?
Lola – It is more available to everyone. It used to be costly. Between the cameras, the film, the developing. Now everyone can take as many pictures as they want and there is gear at every price.
35 mm Film Days

© Lola Mitchell – ‘When She Sings’ – Hipstamatic, Camera+, Superimpose, Rainy Daze, PicFX, pix
Joanne – As a mobile photographer you’re at the cutting edge of technology, do you ever hanker for the 35mm film days?
Lola – No. I do love the instant gratification. My father loved being in his darkroom. I like being outside and mobile. I do miss the surprise when you looked at a roll of film.
Links To All Apps Used And Mentioned In This Interview

© Lola Mitchell – ‘When Worlds Collide’ – Hipstamatic, Camera+, superimpose, Glaze, Smoosh, Snapseed, Image Blender
Rainy Daze
Snow Daze
Image Blender
Alien Sky
Color Lake
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TheAppWhisperer has always had a dual mission: to promote the most talented mobile artists of the day and to support ambitious, inquisitive viewers the world over. As the years pass TheAppWhisperer has gained readers and viewers and found new venues for that exchange. All this work thrives with the support of our community.
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Robert Lancaster
Thanks for another thought provoking and creativity inspiring interview.
The images are amazing, but my favourite has to be “The Glow”.
Mel Harrison
Great interview Lola, cant wait to see your dance series when you get to do it!
Mel xx
Tommy Vohs
Loved reading all about you here Lola and seeing your images flowing down the screen. Congratulations to you now and for all of your future endeavours. Obviously, you come by your creativity naturally and it shows! ~Tommy
So happy that you use my app!! A real honor! Amazing artworks, all of them!!
Joel Adam (asleepundercolumnsovlight)
What a great read! Thanks AP!
You know I’m a big fan of your work. Your art is always heartfelt and captures magic and wonderment! I’m honored by your artistic admiration! The feeling is mutual!