Mobile Photography & Art – Flickr Group Showcase – 29 April 2018
It has been said (‘Teenagers: A Natural History’: David Bainbridge, 2010) that teenage years are to develop the brain and as such they are the greatest achievement of evolution – the point where all that is special about our species comes into play. For parents of teenagers, it’s our job to look after them while they are incubating their extraordinary craniums. “Adolescence is the reason we live so long, long, long,” says Bainbridge. “Human longevity has evolved because we need to bring up our intensely supported, slowly developing offspring.” And that’s of course intensely important, being a parent at this stage is a constant negotiation between keeping them safe and…
Mobile Photography – StreetWise Winter 2017 / 2018 Showcase
“I love the people I photograph. I mean, they’re my friends. I’ve never met most of them or I don’t know them at all, yet through my images I live with them.” Bruce Gilden Hello Everyone! Thank you for submitting your images to StreetWise Flickr group for our ‘Winter Showcase.’ We were touched by the soulfulness and warmth of your photos – beautiful winter scenes (whether in tropical or snowy settings) of people (and animals) looking out windows, windows as frames, windows reflecting cityscapes, people in public transportation, carrying umbrellas, lone figures in urban landscapes and photos of people connecting hand in hand, or embracing one another. Even in the…
Grand Flickr Group Showcase of 2017 – TheAppWhisperer – Mobile Photography and Art
Merry Christmas! This Grand Flickr Group Showcase of 2017 represents our top favourited images from our Flickr Group – Mobile Photography & Imagery. Each week we have produced a showcase and we have selected images from all of those showcases to bring you this epic finale of the year of 2017! I want you all to enjoy this showcase, each one of you, some I know more than others, but all I recognise and am in awe of your talents. Whether you celebrate Christmas or not, enjoy this mobile photography and art showcase with untapped emotion and tenderness. We have the chemistry just right, with meaningful dialogue throughout, this is…
Mobile Photography & Art Flickr Group Showcase – 17 December 2017
I apologise for the delay in publishing our wonderful showcase today, I’ve not been feeling well, so it’s taken me longer to do. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed viewing everyone’s incredible art and photography, thank you. Thank you to all artists for submitting your works. If you would like your work to be considered for entry into our weekly Mobile Photography and Art Flickr Group, please submit it to our dedicated group, here. Many congratulations to the following artists for being featured this week: Cathrine Halsor, Angie Lambert, Sheldon Serkin, Linda Hollier, Brendan O Se, Louise Whiting, Tania Konnerth, Carlein, Vadim Demjianov, Kathy Clay, Montse Abad, Gothic Swan, Lydia Cassatt, Armineh Hovanesian,…
Mobile Photography & Art Flickr Group Showcase – 10 December 2017
This weeks innovative mobile photography and art flickr group showcase fuses the talents and roles of artists’ today within my own. Culminating in a showcase which acts as an inspiring tool and provacative index of ways of seeing with our mobile devices today. Thank you all for helping me compile this showcase, I love it; it helps. Enjoy! Thank you to all artists for submitting your works. If you would like your work to be considered for entry into our weekly Mobile Photography and Art Flickr Group, please submit it to our dedicated group, here. Many congratulations to the following artists for being featured this week: Tessfra, Gothic Swan, Linda…
Mobile Photography & Art Flickr Group Showcase – 3 December 2017
In the UK we have a literary award of which, it is of no honour to win. It is the Bad Sex Award and each year since 1993 an author is honoured who has, in the opinion of the judges, produced an outstandingly bad scene of sexual description, in an otherwise good novel. The results of which, I always find interesting to read, notwithstanding the reviews too. Is it wrong to find it laudable? This year one author and writer for The Guardian, Rhiannon Lucy Cosslett claims the thought of being awarded the bad sex award has inspired her to work harder, she writes, “Many women are acutely aware of…
Mobile Photography & Art Flickr Group Showcase – 26 November 2017
The transformative power of art mingled with love heighten the potential of our quotidian lives, when we consider Mobile Photography and Art, our untapped potential is as defiant as it is understated. We have produced an exquisitely crafted Showcase this week, beautifully restrained pictorial about love, loneliness and loss is caressed sensitively as we empathetically chronicle not only the characters who grieve for people not only absent from their lives but also for the desires they have by default relinquished, whether sexual or emotional. New love affairs represent another version of our future, trilogies of desire, reconciled as we expedite our lives. Stay in the present, they tell us, be…
Mobile Photography & Art Flickr Group Showcase – 19 November 2017
Laying the foundations of Mobile Photography and Art, this weeks Flickr group showcase is as much a meditation on great art as it is also of human passion. Every artist, moreover, perhaps every human knows, has experienced, is experiencing or seeking, passion. Passion does not have to mean sex, or ‘intelligent sex’ as Robert Mapplethorpe described his ‘ideal passion’. No passion for art is a seduction in itself and when you view this showcase, free from all constraints, you will experience the intense relationship, each artist has not only with their art but also with each of us. Enjoy! Thank you to all artists for submitting your works. If you…
Mobile Photography & Art Flickr Group Showcase – 12 November 2017
This weeks Mobile Photography and Art Flickr Group Showcase is an absolute triumph of atmosphere, with a meditation on the tenacity and fragility of the human spirit. it has an almost hallucinatory quality as it unfolds in a powerfully poetic distillation. For the few minutes that its plays, we are priviledged to live in it. Thank you to all artists for submitting your works. If you would like your work to be considered for entry into our weekly Mobile Photography and Art Flickr Group, please submit it to our dedicated group, here. Many congratulations to the following artists for being featured this week: Barbara Nebel, Kristie Michele Art, Janine Graf,…
Mobile Photography & Art Flickr Group Showcase – 5 November 2017
This weeks Mobile Photography and Art Flickr Group Showcase demonstrates the beauty of mobile art and mobile photography, fitting together, perfectly. It is testament to the reputation of all of the artists within our community. It’s poised, unflappable and inturn, changes a good showcase, into a perfect one. If you would like your work to be considered for entry into our weekly Mobile Photography and Art Flickr Group, please submit it to our dedicated group, here. Many congratulations to the following artists for being featured this week: Sergiy Beliayev, Oola Cristina, Lydia Cassatt, borisbschulz2009, Alan Kastner, Larissa Paschoalli, Jeronimo Sanz, Dieuwke Geervliet, Karen Axelrad, Sina, Catha Li, TheiPhoneArtGirl – Meri…