Mobile Photography & Art Flickr Group Showcase – 12 November 2017
This weeks Mobile Photography and Art Flickr Group Showcase is an absolute triumph of atmosphere, with a meditation on the tenacity and fragility of the human spirit. it has an almost hallucinatory quality as it unfolds in a powerfully poetic distillation. For the few minutes that its plays, we are priviledged to live in it. Thank you to all artists for submitting your works. If you would like your work to be considered for entry into our weekly Mobile Photography and Art Flickr Group, please submit it to our dedicated group, here.
Many congratulations to the following artists for being featured this week:
Barbara Nebel, Kristie Michele Art, Janine Graf, Jun Yamaguchi, Ile Mont, Sheldon Serkin, Luther Roseman Dease, be.mo.re, Jennifer Bracewell, Chrstine Mignon, Eliza Badoiu, Mimi Svanberg, Vanessa Vox, Jenneke Tessleaar, Giancarlo Beltrame, Carlein, Cindy Buske, Clare Pickett, Mirza Kafli, Karen Axelrad, Paul Yan, Cathrine Haslor, Amy Ecenbarger, Poetic Medium, David Hayes, Kate Zari Roberts, Barbara Braman, before.1st.light – Jane Schultz, Gianluca Ricoveri, Susan Rennie, Clint Cline, Valeria Cammari, Viggo Hjort Kohberg, Trish, Lorenka Campos, TheiPhoneArtGril – Meri Walker, Candice Railton, Jim Perdue, Catherine Caddigan, Gabriele Rodriquez, Dragan Fly, Rene Valencia.
‘Very Little is Pure… it’s all just a temporary cure…’ ©Mimi Svanberg

Flickr Group Showcase
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