Mobile Photography & Art Flickr Group Showcase – 3 December 2017
In the UK we have a literary award of which, it is of no honour to win. It is the Bad Sex Award and each year since 1993 an author is honoured who has, in the opinion of the judges, produced an outstandingly bad scene of sexual description, in an otherwise good novel. The results of which, I always find interesting to read, notwithstanding the reviews too. Is it wrong to find it laudable? This year one author and writer for The Guardian, Rhiannon Lucy Cosslett claims the thought of being awarded the bad sex award has inspired her to work harder, she writes, “Many women are acutely aware of…
Mobile Photography & Art Flickr Group Showcase – 19 November 2017
Laying the foundations of Mobile Photography and Art, this weeks Flickr group showcase is as much a meditation on great art as it is also of human passion. Every artist, moreover, perhaps every human knows, has experienced, is experiencing or seeking, passion. Passion does not have to mean sex, or ‘intelligent sex’ as Robert Mapplethorpe described his ‘ideal passion’. No passion for art is a seduction in itself and when you view this showcase, free from all constraints, you will experience the intense relationship, each artist has not only with their art but also with each of us. Enjoy! Thank you to all artists for submitting your works. If you…
Mobile Photography & Art Flickr Group Showcase – 12 November 2017
This weeks Mobile Photography and Art Flickr Group Showcase is an absolute triumph of atmosphere, with a meditation on the tenacity and fragility of the human spirit. it has an almost hallucinatory quality as it unfolds in a powerfully poetic distillation. For the few minutes that its plays, we are priviledged to live in it. Thank you to all artists for submitting your works. If you would like your work to be considered for entry into our weekly Mobile Photography and Art Flickr Group, please submit it to our dedicated group, here. Many congratulations to the following artists for being featured this week: Barbara Nebel, Kristie Michele Art, Janine Graf,…
Mobile Photography – StreetWise – ‘Shooting From The Knees’ Challenge Results
“Taking an image, freezing the moment, reveals how rich reality truly is…” Ansel Adams Hello everyone! Thank you all for submitting your images to our StreetWise Flickr group for our 11th Challenge Shooting from the Knees. This wasn’t an easy challenge and we were thrilled by and are always so inspired by the quality of photography submitted to our group from around the world and it is an honor to share the showcases with you. It is always incredibly difficult for us to choose such few images for the showcase from all those that were submitted and we want you to know we appreciate each and every post. As a…
Mobile Photography & Art Flickr Showcase – 2 April 2017
“We want a mate who feels like family and a lover who is exotic, surprising. We want to be youthful adventurers and middle-aged mothers. We want intimacy and autonomy, safety and stimulation, reassurance and novelty, coziness and thrills. But we can’t have it all”, says Ariel Levy; the New Yorker writer who had a life that balanced domesticity with intellectual and sexual adventure and then it fell apart, dramatically. This from her memoir ‘The Rules do not Apply’. I have been reading it this week. Essentially, this book is about the desire to have it all and how that can literally be blown apart. One thing in particular struck me…
Mobile Photography – StreetWise Showcase – December 2016
“I go out every day. When I get depressed at the office, I go out, and as soon as I’m on the street and see people, I feel better. But I never go out with a preconceived idea. I let the street speak to me.” Bill Cunningham Hello everyone! Firstly, we’d like to wish you all a wonderful and inspired New Year. It has been an incredible last several months of seeing and sharing your photos here with you all on StreetWise. We hope that you feel supported and appreciated – we are grateful for the talent you share. Thank you all for submitting your images to our StreetWise Flickr…
Grand Flickr Group Showcase of 2016 – TheAppWhisperer – Mobile Photography and Art
I had intended to publish our 2016 Grand Flickr Group Showcase of Mobile Photography and Art on Christmas Day this year. I had prepared most of it ahead of time and was relatively well organised to go live on 25 December. However, events took a turn for the worse and as I awoke after a thoroughly turbulent night on the morning of 24 December, I picked up my phone and saw a Facebook message coming through from a friend expressing how sorry she was for the loss of Carolyn Hall Young a few hours before. For a few moments, I thought I was still in the midst of the wretched…
Mobile Photography – StreetWise Showcase – November 2016
“Of course it’s all luck.” Henri Cartier-Bresson Thank you all so much for inspiring us with your incredible photos – we were quite blown away by the varying depths of creativity in this group! It makes it very difficult for us to choose such few images for the showcase from all those that were submitted. We hope you will enjoy our November showcase as much as Ilana and I enjoyed putting it together! A special thank you to Joanne. As a reminder, we choose images for the showcase that are in keeping with our group’s intention and guidelines “We believe that it is important to focus on the key aspects…
Mobile Photography & Art Flickr Group Showcase – 20 November 2016
“My favourite thing,” Diane Arbus once said, “is to go where I’ve never been.” Many of us knowing a thing or two about Arbus, realise she was not only talking about her photography but also her private life, no less her prolonged and incestuous relationship with her older brother. This weeks mobile Photography and Art Flickr Group Showcase, will ensure you travel to a place you have never been. This is a showcase of dramatic compositions and stark contrasts, interwoven with some of the mosts powerful mobile portraits ever made. Enjoy! If you would like your work to be considered for entry into our weekly Mobile Photography and Art flickr…
Mobile Photography – StreetWise Showcase – October 2016
“For me, photography has become a way of attempting to make sense of the strange world that I see around me. I don’t ever expect to achieve that understanding, but the fact that I am trying comforts me.” Mikhael Subotzky Thank you all so much for participating and inspiring us with your incredible photos. As always, it was difficult for us to choose such few images for the showcase from all those that were submitted – such stunning images in both color and black and white. Welcome, also, to those newer to our street photography community – it is great to have you join us! As a reminder, we choose…