‘Streets Ahead’ – Brand New Women’s Street Photography Column By JQ Gaines and Maddy McCoy
We are incredibly excited to announce that JQ Gaines and Maddy McCoy have joined The App Whisperer with a brand new Column entitled ‘Streets Ahead’. JQ Gaines already contributes to Parallel ll Perspectives with Catherine Restivo but this Column is very different and unique, as indeed they are all.
The story behind the creation and concept of ‘Streets Ahead’ is an interesting one.
One cold February night in 2013, Maddy McCoy and JQ Gaines found themselves walking up 8th Avenue (in NYC), engaged in an animated conversation that centered around a shared belief that women street photographers are under represented in the mobile photography community.
Street photography has long been the domain of male photographers. This was certainly the case before mobile photography became a powerful and dynamic force in the medium. Our aim is to move beyond old attitudes and increase focus on the many talented female street photographers
Mobile street photography is an innovative and vital means of recording and reflecting on the world around us. Street photography is photojournalism. We will bring recognition to some of the most exhilarating and creative work by women photojournalists around the world.
This column will be dedicated to sharing and highlighting some of the amazing work done by these talented women, as well as exploring the unique and fresh perspective that they bring to this genre.
We also hope that this column will provide a platform for discussion on the techniques, aesthetics, and goals that we, as women, bring to this art form. In addition to the weekly showcase, we have set up a dedicated Flickr group –see here. We also plan on featuring bimonthly interviews as well as sharing our own experiences and learning curves in mobile street photography. We will do this through a Visual Diary using the Backspaces app. We are pleased to share that we have a dedicated page in Backspace here.
We believe that street photography is ready to move in a new direction and we hope that you will embark on this journey with us. Join with us as we explore and debate the aesthetics, techniques, and perspectives that women bring to this new movement.
We recently welcomed Richard Gray, Misho Baranovic, Dan Marcolina, Keith Tharp, David Hayes, Teri Lou Dantzler, Richard Koci Hernandez, Rudy Vogel, Kevin Kuster, Laura Peischl, Dilshad Corleone, Mel Harrison, Star Rush, Catherine Restivo, JQ Gaines, Cindy Patrick, Roger Guetta, Janine Graf, Sarah Jarrett, Jennifer Bracewell, Benamon Tame and Shirley Drevich as Columnists to theappwhisperer and we will have a few more announcements to make very soon.
We are growing at a phenomenal rate and trying to include as much unique content and variety from the mobile photography world as our readers can possibly digest, you really don’t need to go anywhere else!
Please join us in welcoming Maddy McCoy to theappwhisperer family and JQ Gaines to a wonderful new column with us, welcome ladies…
Maddy McCoy

JQ Gaines

So very excited about this new column! Looking forward to this very much… 😀
Salllie Kravetz
Eagerly looking forward to how this will evolve. Am also interested to see if the theory that women approach “street” photography differently from men is true or is the camera gender-neutral?
I say this not to be a spoil sport but just to put the question out there? BTW for great women street photographers pre-mobil, look to our guiding sisters Vivian Meir, Bernice Abbott, Dorothea Lang, Marion Post Wolcott and many more. I do believe we may be a bit less aggressive in our approach to people. We shall see. What do y’all think?
Stefanie LP
About time!!! I have been interested in street since I first picked up a camera. Being able to use my phone so as to be less conspicuous has been liberating. Although I have moved from my inspiring hometown to a place almost devoid of street opportunities ,I am ever alert to opportunities.
Humans are ever interesting subject.
@sallie I do think woman approach streets different then men. Our approach – mindset and emotional makeup differs from men. Vivian Maiers reminds me of me…a prolific shooter …but most just buried in storage.
Exciting about this new platform. Brava!!
Lola Mitchell
So excited about this! Bravo!
Tracy Mitchell Griggs
Great idea and long overdue. My photo roots are in street shooting, documenting the further urban decline and exploitation of the poor, as their streets were decimated by the takeover of the casino industry in Atlantic City, New Jersey in the late 70s. It was the first time I ever picked up a camera (Olympus 35mm). I received an “A” for the street project – fulfilling a photojournalism requirement at Penn State University. I remember the thrill of working on and completing that project. I ultimately dropped photography as a hobby until last year – no one encouraged my early efforts- and it was not until I started shooting again last year with a mobile phone, had I thought about that street project. I was inspired to dig up prints and view my work shot over 30 years ago.
Although I am on hiatus from photography, I look forward to the column – perhaps it will inspire me to return to my street roots, from so very long ago.
Best of luck with the new column.
manuela matos monteiro
your column comes to fulfill a need! thanks!
Best of luck with the new column!
Janine Graf
Now this is exciting!! 😀
Peg Price
Welcome, ladies! I am so looking forward to learning from you.
Erin Lynn
Yes! I’m finding where I belong, with women street photographers. I’m interested in contributing 🙂