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Top Five Photo Apps – Photo App Lounge With Andrea Koerner

Welcome to our Top Five Photo Apps – Photo App Lounge section of This is an area on our site where we ask highly accomplished mobile photographers what their top five photo apps are and why.

We previously published the Top Five Photo Apps as recommended by Yannick Brice , Cedric Blanchon, Irene Sneddon, Sarah Jarrett, Louise Fryer, Lisa Waddell, Davide Capponi, Ali Jardine, Clint Cline, Elaina Wilcox, France Freeman, Tess Gomm, Lola Mitchell, Vivi, Em Kachouro, Laetitia Harnie-Coussau, MaryJane Sarvis, AlyZen Moonshadow, Ginaluca Ricoveri, Jennifer Sharpe, Natali Prosvetova, David Hayes, Vanessa Vox and Robin Robertis’ Top Five Photo Apps including accompanying images demonstrating these selections, if you missed those, please go here.

Today, we are featuring Andrea Koerner, an artist we have featured many times within, particularly our weekly curated Flickr Group Showcases. Koerner is a very talented artist and you can see more of here work, within her website here. It’s a true delight to read of her top five apps in this article, she’s a self confessed ‘app addict’.

We think you’ll enjoy this as Koerner talks us through her favourite apps and explains why, don’t miss this.



Andrea Koerner



Number One: Grungetastic


Grungetastic a terrific app that lets you add all sorts of grunge effects from heavy to light. You can adjust each effect changing the intensity, color and texture. Add a frame or add paper textures/colors. A very versatile app i find myself coming back to all the time.






Number Two: MPro


My next favorite app is Mpro which is a black and white camera app i have been experimenting with recently working with lighting so see how various types of light affects the exposure of the photo. I have recently been doing a lot of high contrast photos which i have been using as a
basis for my edits.




Number Three: Smoosh


My third favorite app is Smoosh an image distorting app that i have been using a lot lately on my self-portrait edits. Whether it’s altering the photo to change the hair or distorting the facial features it allows you to adjust the size of the distortion and how fluid it is. This app is inspired
by the process of Polaroid SX-70 film manipulation.




Number Four: Jazz


My fourth favorite app is Jazz a photo editing app that has a wide range of effects. You can adjust the color, add lighting effects, add texture and so much more.




Number Five: Superimpose


My fifth favorite app is Superimpose a powerful app the lets you superimpose one photo over another, do double exposures, add elements. Lots of ways to mask your images and 18 blending modes.



This last photo was done using Jazz, Superimpose and Grungetastic.


While you’re here…

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Joanne Carter, creator of the world’s most popular mobile photography and art website—— TheAppWhisperer platform has been a pivotal cyberspace for mobile artists of all abilities to learn about, to explore, to celebrate and to share mobile artworks. Joanne’s compassion, inclusivity, and humility are hallmarks in all that she does, and is particularly evident in the platform she has built. In her words, “We all have the potential to remove ourselves from the centre of any circle and to expand a sphere of compassion outward; to include everyone interested in mobile art, ensuring every artist is within reach”, she has said. Promotion of mobile artists and the art form as a primary medium in today’s art world, has become her life’s focus. She has presented lectures bolstering mobile artists and their art from as far away as the Museum of Art in Seoul, South Korea to closer to her home in the UK at Focus on Imaging. Her experience as a jurist for mobile art competitions includes: Portugal, Canada, US, S Korea, UK and Italy. And her travels pioneering the breadth of mobile art includes key events in: Frankfurt, Naples, Amalfi Coast, Paris, Brazil, London. Pioneering the world’s first mobile art online gallery - has extended her reach even further, shipping from London, UK to clients in the US, Europe and The Far East to a global group of collectors looking for exclusive art to hang in their homes and offices. The online gallery specialises in prints for discerning collectors of unique, previously unseen signed limited edition art. Her journey towards becoming The App Whisperer, includes (but is not limited to) working for a paparazzi photo agency for several years and as a deputy editor for a photo print magazine. Her own freelance photographic journalistic work is also widely acclaimed. She has been published extensively both within the UK and the US in national and international titles. These include The Times, The Sunday Times, The Guardian, Popular Photography & Imaging, dpreview, NikonPro, Which? and more recently with the BBC as a Contributor, Columnist at Vogue Italia and Contributing Editor at LensCulture. Her professional photography has also been widely exhibited throughout Europe, including Italy, Portugal and the UK. She is currently writing several books, all related to mobile art and is always open to requests for new commissions for either writing or photography projects or a combination of both. Please contact her at: [email protected]

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