Mobile Photo Essays – Some Great Tips!
I have detailed below some excellent tips to create your own Mobile Photo Essays. I’ve also added a few links to some excellent favorite essays of my own.
Go here to read our Structuring Tips
Wonderful example photo essay links:
Time Lightbox
Photo Essay Tips – Signature Photo
A photo that summarizes the entire issue and illustrates essential elements of the story. This might be a photo of woman — maybe your main character — as with the example above and the link here to the complete photo Essay.
Establishing or Overall Shot
A wide-angle shot to establish the scene.The idea of the establishing shot is this: When you do a photo story you are taking your viewers on a journey. You need to give them a sense of where they are going, an image that allows them to understand the rest of the story in context.
A detail shot to highlight a specific element of the story. Close-up, sometimes called detail shots, don’t carry a lot of narrative. Meaning, they often don’t do a lot to inform the viewer on a literal level but they do a great deal to dramatize a story.
This can be either a tight head shot or a more environment portrait in a context relevant to the story. As mentioned above, photo essays are built around characters. You need to have good portrait that introduces the viewers to the character.
Focuses on the subject in a group during an activity. Images of your character interacting with others — all helps give a human dimension to your character.
How-To Sequence
This is photo or group of photos that offer a how-to about some specific element of the story or process.
The Clincher
A photo that can be used to close the story, one that says “the end.”
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