Mobile Movies Showcase – Week 53 – by Donna Donato

Welcome back to the fifty-third article in the column, Mobile Movies. We at TheAppWhisperer have been inspired by the Flickr upgrade of 1 Terabyte of storage for everyone and have wanted to launch a mobile movie section for some time. Now seems to be perfect, the new Flickr upgrade will allow for a full three minutes of 1080p HD quality video per single film and you can have as many as you have storage space for. Each week I (you can find me on Flickr here) will curate the movie uploads to our new Flickr group MobileMoviesTheAppWhisperer – I will view all the videos uploaded and comment on the ones selected.

”The internet has created other crossroads for films and videos. Mobile devices have democratized not only photography but also video-making. The availability of apps that give digital video the appearance of analogy film, such as grainy black and white super-8, is exciting and important. Now anyone with the desire can make a home movie or ‘film’ and upload it to the web. It is interesting to see what stories and messages people are creating and disseminating.’

All of the entries were either shot or created on mobile devices.

Here is TheAppWhisperer’s video showcase for April 11, 2015. We would like to thank this week’s contributors: Vanessa Vox, Matthew Wylie, RobinLDN, Armineh Hovanesian, NaProsvet1_Natali Prosvetova, giulia.baita_Giulia Baita, N_X_Nicolas Xanthos, Geri_Centonze_Geri Centonze, ClaudiaContreras_Claudia Contreras and oilsoncanvasbysantos_Edward Santos for their submissions. Take a look at these latest gems; you’ll be glad you did. Please share our Column with your family and friends, encouraging them to create and submit their mobile videos. We are seeking all platforms, Windows, Android, iOS… Joanne Carter and I will also be scouring the web in search of mobiles movies to present to our readers.

Donna Donato

‘March the 7th, 2015’ – Vanessa Vox

Flickr link

This piece was both playful and mysterious. It felt slightly racy like old-fashioned burlesque but also as if we were watching a woman peeking and poking at a dotted scrim either trying to get out or to see who or what was on the other side.

‘Things I Saw Today’ – Matthew Wylie

Flickr link

Really enjoyed watching this silent, black and white triptych. The slo-mo and mirroring effect added to the ghostly, otherworldly feeling.

‘Ever and Ever’ – RobinLDN

Flickr link

Liked this spare piece and its ability to place the viewer in the role of watcher. Loved the revolving sign and how the passing man seemed not to notice it at all. Eight seconds was way too short! Would have enjoyed seeing others pass and whether they noted and/or reacted to the words.

‘6pm shadow’ – Armineh Hovanesian

Flickr link

While watching this silent piece one is aware not only of the changing/dancing light but also the textures of the background surfaces. Found myself wishing the ambient music or sound had been included.

‘If you going to San Francisco’ – NaProsvet1_Natali Prosvetova

Flickr link

When hearing of a friend’s travel plans many of us have joked about climbing in a suitcase and being carried along. This video gives an the idea of what it might look and feel like to actually try and fit into a piece of luggage. Though our subject is quite agile it still looks slightly awkward, uncomfortable and doesn’t leave much room for clothing or toiletries.

‘We want to save the planet’ – giulia.baita_Giulia Baita

Flickr link

The title of this piece reflects what many people want, to save the planet. The images taken at sunset and rotating in a fashion reminiscent of a slot machine remind us that saving the planet is not a game of chance but a conscious choice.

‘Chicoutimi – Baton Rouge’ – N_X_Nicolas Xanthos

Flickr link

Found this piece lovely and mournful at the same time. With its acid yellow color, various modes of transportation and achingly melancholy music the viewer takes what feels like a lonely journey from here to there. We travel down snowy, deserted country roads, view snow covered, aerial landscapes and drive in the night towards the destination.

‘Anatomy of an Edit No. 30’ – Geri_Centonze_Geri Centonze

Flickr link

This silent 35-second video provides steps, which can take a detail of a photograph to something extraordinary or in the parlance of mobile photography, you can learn to app an image. I enjoy watching this dissection of Ms. Centonze’s process to see the beautiful, painterly piece she created.

Ms. Centonze has submitted a number of these tutorials and anyone interested in learning to take their imagery to another level should checkout the ‘Anatomy of an Edit’ videos on The App Whisperer Mobile Movies Flickr page.

‘the ritual life and death’ – ClaudiaContreras_Claudia Contreras

Flickr link

The title and imagery of this video reminded me of the internal battle that might take place inside our bodies when a foreign element in the form of disease enters. It also brought to mind Jean Arp’s work in animated form.

‘Release the Kracken‘ – oilsoncanvasbysantos_Edward Santos

Flickr link

Quite often lately I’ve encountered the word Kracken in a variety to spellings. According to Wikipedia the Kraken or Kracken is a legendary sea monster. This Matter video certainly brought to mind a gigantic sea creature, which surfaced and resurfaced.

Donna is an image-maker, historian by training and a film/video editor by vocation. From a very early age she was smitten with images of all kinds. Donna absolutely loves film and filmmaking. Currently she lives in Paris, a city that has had a long and passionate love affair with ‘the movies’ and is one of the crossroads for world cinema.

One Comment

  • Geri Centonze

    Thanks so much Donna – this photo appealed to me because of the pose of the subject but the background was way too distracting. With a little app magic I was able to get the result I wanted.