New Mobile Photography Workshop – With Meri Walker and Annie Helmsworth in Alaska!
I am delighted to announce a fabulous new mobile photography workshop hosted by Meri Walker and Annie Helmsworth. Over the past two years, sharing their passion for iPhone photography in social media both Meri Walker (aka iPhoneArtGirl) and Annie Helmsworth (aka Elfin Kennel), developed a deep connection. With Meri living in southern Oregon and Anne in rural Alaska last summer they joked back and forth about Meri hitchhiking to the North Pole Alaska to see Anne and her mushing team, this set the wheels in motion and the two mobile photographers began exploring in earnest for a way to meet (and possibly teach together) in person.
The Alaska Folk School, part of the Northern Susitna Institute, decided to offer Meri’s workshop in June this year at their headquarters in Talkeetna, Alaska, and provide professional development credits to attending teachers. So, Meri and Anne will not only meet in June, but they will teach together in Talkeetna, Alaska, during Meri’s 2.5-day workshop on June 5-7, 2015. What a fabulous opportunity!
People interested in fast-tracking their iPhone photography skills who don’t already live in Alaska – but might want to consider making this workshop an inexpensive first stop on the trip of their dreams – need to know that the Alaska Folk School, is a community-based learning institute for people who want to develop skills in a wide variety of folk arts – in a positive, hands-on setting.
Recognizing that not all “folk arts” are created equal, the AFS is making a new commitment to pair adults’ human needs to learn crafts with enabling technologies that support their creative self-expression. In this context, Meri Walker’s “Joy of iPhoneography Workshop” will be a pivotal summer offering – serious photography education open to adults in business and the teaching professions, from Alaska – or anywhere else. And all the equipment participants will need is their smartphone or tablet.
In rural environments, mobile phones have long been crucial, popular communication tools. This summer, participants in “The Joy of iPhoneography” workshop will have ample hands-on experience expanding their concepts about “phone communication” beyond text and speaking into the realm of visual communication – that is, mobile photography and mobile art. Way past selfies, party pictures, and food! And teachers will be able to earn professional development credits for learning something they can take back to their classrooms, too.
Read more about the workshop and grab your seat here. Or phone Diane Ziegner, Director of the Alaska Folk School, at 907 733-7111.
Time is of the essence. Enrolment is limited. The fee for the full 2.5-day workshop is a very reasonable $175 on or before May 1. $200 after May 1. Meri and Anne will be there waiting to meet you, June 5-7th.
Professional Development Credit

The University of Alaska Anchorage offers one professional development credit (level 500) for an additional $74 fee. UAA registration forms and payment will be processed separately from the Alaska Folk School/NSI registration. In order to receive the credit, you must also attend the Friday evening talk from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm (at no additional charge).
One Comment
meri walker
Many thanks for your support, Joanne! I’m so looking forward to meeting Annie and to providing substantive training to folks who love their smartphone cameras and – especially – to teachers who want to take iPhone Photography into their classrooms!