‘Brought to Light’ – Mobile Photography / Art Interview with Petyr Campos
Mobile Photography itself has become the most ubiquitous and democratic medium of all. It races on and each new gallery is trying to keep up. Petyr Campos’ ability to invest in this medium meets his quest and desire to produce intense radiance within his images, that stand out. Campos’ photographs are taken with confidence, the images themselves are fascinating. Each shot is beautifully composed and lit. Ruthlessly honest, these images represent a complex man and remarkable artist.
This is our new interview section for mobile photographers and mobile artists and we hope to be filling it very soon with vast explosions of thought and imagery. These questions are designed to explore the artist behind the work, to get to know them a little more intimately.
We recently published our first ‘Brought to Light’ Interview with Andrea Bigiarini, Founder of the New Era Museum and FIPA Florence International Photography Awards as well as writer, author, Imagineer and digital artist, if you missed that, please go here. We then went on to publish an instinctively gifted artist, Ile Mont, if you missed that please go here. Further we published our interview with Roger Guetta, please see here, Rad Drew, please go here to read that also Gianluca Ricoveri (please go here to read that one) and most recently Sean Hayes – please go here to read that one.
Petyr Campos

Describe a moment that changed your life
My first trip to Europe in 1989 by far had the biggest affect on my life. I lived in Rome as a student for a year in 1989-90. I was in Prague for the Velet Revolution, in Berlin shortly after the Berlin wall came down, etc. Living in Europe really impacted my life. Once I got back, I immediately started my master plan to move and live in Europe the rest of my life. The plan was to fly to Spain, find a beautiful Spanish woman, marry her and live happily ever after. Although that exact plan never did materialize, I did go back to Europe and lived in Germany for three years where I met friends I still have to this day and met a girl from southern California who would eventually become my wife and the mother of my two children. I don’t think any of this would have happened without my first trip to Europe in 89, it set the stage for my next trip to Europe, which affected the rest of my life.
‘Foster the People’ – ©Petyr Campos

Describe a childhood photographic/art memory
I can’t recall a specific childhood. However, I do recall being mesmerised by WW II photography. My older brother had these little toy soldiers they painstakingly hand painted and would set up these war scenes. I also remember watching a lot of war documentaries. I was just fascinated with everything about war, the history, the various players, the tools, politics, etc.
Describe your mobile studio
For most of my mobile photography career, my studio has been buses and trains on the way to and from work. I think this is why mobile photography works so well for me, because I can do it anywhere. However, now the a work from home, it a coach in the back or my bed as I fall asleep into the early morning.
‘California Wives No 4’ – Petyr Campos

What do you like to think about whilst creating images?
I like to think if I’m properly getting the idea across and if the audience the various ways the audience may interpret it.
Share one mobile photography/art tip
I have a lot of photography ideas going through my head through the week. So I started keeping a photo idea journal and started writing my photo ideas down. I usually write down a title and or a short description of the photo idea. It’s just a way for me to keep ideas I have from fading away if I don’t get to them right away. The photo journal also allows me to expand on or tinker with existing ideas or push them to prime time having been fully cooked. The journal also provides me with a backlog of ideas to work with if I get tired of what I’m currently working on.
‘Morning Waves’ – ©Petyr Campos

What or who ignited your passion for mobile photography/art?
The website P1xels and the book Iphone Obsessed triggered and ignited my passion for mobile photography. I was just awestruck by the images I saw being created with the iPhone. I was hungering for a creative outlet, I saw what was possible and most importantly, I thought I could do it.
‘Surfers No 14’ – ©Petyr Campos

What is the most unusual subject you have photographed/painted?
The first thing that comes to mind is a dead and headless seal. I never though I would photograph that.
What are your favourite mobile photography accessories?
‘Surfers No 90’ – ©Petyr Campos

Who would play you in a film of your life?
Vincent Gallo
Do you have a favourite app?
Yes, I have a number of favorite apps
Shooting: Pro Camera for easy of use, features such as spot exposure, low light, and clarity of image. Hipstamatic is my go to app for many of my surfer shots because I can rapid shoot images and I like many of their film/lens combinations that I find idea for my surfer series.
Layering: Superimpose. Simple, effective and totally meets my needs.
Effects: Snapseed, Laminar, Lightroom, PhotoCopier, Filterstorm
‘Navy Pier’ – ©Petyr Campos

Describe your dream mobile photography/art assignment.
Though my childhood and college years I always dreamt of being a wartime photojournalist, that would be my dream mobile photography job. I don’t know if anyone has recorded/documented a whole war with an Iphone, so it would be cool to be the first to do so.
‘Surfers No 94’ – ©Petyr Campos

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TheAppWhisperer has always had a dual mission: to promote the most talented mobile artists of the day and to support ambitious, inquisitive viewers the world over. As the years passTheAppWhisperer has gained readers and viewers and found new venues for that exchange.
All this work thrives with the support of our community.
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