APPArt Mini #7 Featuring Mobile Artist Vanessa Vox
Please enjoy our seventh post to our new section within our APPart Column entitled – APPart Mini (to view our earlier ones, please go here). This time our editor Bobbi McMurry talks with Vanessa Vox to find out more about her work, over to you Bobbi. (Foreword by Joanne Carter).
Apps: Hipstamatic, iColorama, Big Photo
Vanessa Vox / Zest for Life (series ‘Triptych— Living in the Daily Flow of News’)
Bobbi: “I was recently perusing art on Flickr when my eyes were stopped completely by several of Vanessa’s fabulous triptychs. These are not your ordinary duck-faced selfies, they are wonderfully expressive, eye-catching photos assembled to share her take on the current state of the news media. Please enjoy what this delightful artist has to say … ”

Vanessa: “Mobile photography has become my artistic language to communicate my emotions, my inner view of the outer world. My new series ‘Triptychs Living in the Daily Flow of News’ can be seen as a reaction to our ‘brave new world’ filled with disconnected bits of information.
Constantly updated news are overwhelming our daily life. At any time and everywhere we are fed with this diluted poison. They cause so many intense but short-lived emotions. On the other hand news can also be “Muses“ or inspirers for artists because of their underlying unconscious patterns.
‘Zest for Life’ shows the desire to gain experiences beyond the daily flood of news. The girl in the picture behaves like a cat sitting on your journal to attract attention. It is about the drive to play with the beholder. An invitation to live fully in the here and now, with all the senses involved. It says: ‘Come, stop consuming and go out! It will be exciting!’
Process: I firstly shot some selfies with the Johannes Lens/Strausberg film combo of the
Hipstamatic camera app. I searched for a look like ‘breaking through a newspaper’. The Big Photo app helped me to create the required format of the background. And finally I used iColorama for the color correction as well as to compose the triptych”.

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