A Picture's Worth...,  Interviews,  INTERVIEWS

Mobile Photography and Art – A Picture’s Worth with Alexis Rotella

A Picture’s Worth‘… is where we ask mobile photographers that have created powerful mobile photography/art to explain the processes they took. This includes their initial thoughts as to what they wanted to create, why they wanted to create it, how they created it, including all apps used and what they wanted to convey. We also ask these incredible artists to explain their emotions and how the image projects those feelings. We have published a few A Picture’s Worth articles recently, if you have missed those – please go here.

In this A Picture’s Worth today we asked Alexis Rotella to tell us more about her image. Rotella has detailed her thoughts below, we think you’ll find this invaluable…


“Hiding behind overgrown rhododendrons and azaleas is a bush that takes me back to childhood and my Russian Taurus grandmother who raised me until she eloped with a man she and her late husband knew back in New York when they were young immigrants.

The flowers remind me of so many things including the tiny blossom print dress she wore to church on special occasions. The flowerettes look crocheted, or if turned into sugar, could decorate a birthday cake. They remind me also of vintage chenille bedspreads that left traces of lint on my black cotton slacks.

My husband says they remind him of candy. To me, they are the lace my bride doll Susan wore.

The photo was taken with an iPhone7 then worked on my iPAD Pro, first with Coherence in IColorama, then Effects/Scrape, Watercolor 2, brushed with Rebound Preset, tweaked in Adjust EQ to bring out the magenta. Next into Repix app where I chose Edge to bring out the shapes of blossoms. I then ran the piece through Stackables until the background blended with the vintage look of the bouquet. I finished with Sharpen in PhotoGene4.

I was looking for a fuzzy look to make the art look more like a memory”.

Photo ©Alexis Rotella


Links to Apps Used

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Senryu Haiku and Tanka Poet, Former President Haiku Society of America (Japan House, 1984), Haiga Artist, iPad artist -- most poets know more about me than I care to elaborate on; I love to listen to the wisdom of Nature and to give words to her inspirations. I am presently haiga editor for the new journal Multiverses at [email protected]. I practice acupuncture and nutrition in Arnold, Maryland and specialize in bioresonance technology. My latest books from Modern English Tanka Press are waiting for you on Check out ELVIS IN BLACK LEATHER, BLACK JACK JUDY AND THE CRISCO KIDS and LIP PRINTS for starters.