Mobile Photography – Instagram TAKEOVER with @iphoneartgirl Meri Walker and @dleibo – David Leibowitz – Day 1 the story so far…
We are so excited with our latest Instagram TAKEOVER this time with @iphoneartgirl – Meri Walker and @dleibo – David Leibowitz. Singularly they are hugely talented mobile photographers and artists but combined, they are a phenomenal force of mobile talent! We are so honoured that they have taken over our Instagram feed for fourteen days. This is what they have seen so far…
On Day 1 they highlighted a fabulous image by @iphotami – Karen Axelrad and they write “This piece by Karen Axelrad @iphotami caught my eye right out of the gate. The location tag says the image was made at The Getty Center, a place where visitors can nourish themselves in real time with physical artworks. I love the movement and color in this piece”.
Later on Day 1 they were drawn to @elizabadoiu – Eliza Badoiu’s stunning self portraiture and they write “This piece, by @elizabadoiu, is full of latent story. It makes me stay and look longer … and longer. And then the longer I look the more of my brain gets engaged with the image. There’s much here for both the waking and the dreaming mind to enjoy”.
Thank you so much dear Meri and David it is our privilege to see #theappwhisperer through your eyes, it’s so good!
Please take a look at our @TheAppWhisperer Instagram account to follow all the goings on and please also tag your images with #TheAppWhisperer, so that they can be found and potentially featured.
@photoami – Karen Axelrad

@elizabadoiu – Eliza Badoiu

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