Mobile Art and Photography That Has Influenced Me – Interview with Jenny Pieters from South Africa
We are delighted to bring you the seventh in our brand new “Mobile Art and Photography that has Influenced Me” series of interviews at TheAppWhisperer. Within this series, we contact well established and highly regarded mobile photographers and artists and ask them a sequence of questions. Each one relates to mobile art and photography that has inveigled and continues to impact them, by other mobile artists throughout the world. Our eighth interview is with Jenny Pieters from South Africa, enjoy!
In this interview, Pieters cites work by Janis Brandenburg @janisbrandenbury, @sister_owl, Lorenka Campos @lorenka, David Guttenfelder @dguttenfelder, Tomoko Sugimoto @tomokosugimoto, Yoshitomo Nara @michinara3, Claudia Clara – @clau_clara, Bill Carman @billcarmanart, Tracey Grumbach – nineacresdesignscollage, Laurie Amerson @laamerson,
The image that is currently in the forefront of my mind
It is always energising and inspiring when artists can manipulate and expand the limits of an app has to produce magical and unimagined results.

The image that changed my life
I first saw this artist’s work many years when ȯggl was used more frequently than now. The image grabbed my attention and I even used in one of my art pieces which I presented for a fine art assignment.

The image I wish I had created
I am fascinated with the creativity of this artist, and adore it very much. It is not something that I can copy even if I tried – my attempts always come out lack luster and without imagination – which she has an abundance of!!

Artwork that has influenced my art
I always aspire to take better photographs, he influenced and still does, how I look at even the most mundane things – there is beauty to be found in everything!

The image that is most underrated
This artist has minimalism and zen imprinted on her soul. Her whole gallery needs to be looked at to appreciate this aspect.

The image that changed my mind
This image, with the viewer perfectly placed in front of the painting adds another layer of meaning which enhances the depth of the innocence it portrays.

The most recent image that made me sad
The honesty and immediacy with which this artist approaches most of her self portraits is arresting in its directness and unfiltered emotion.

The most recent image that made me smile
Almost all that this hugely talented artist produces causes me to experience an inordinate amount of joy, it is simply wonderful.

My comfort images
The nostalgia that infuses this artists’ work is simply charming and pleasing to the eye and the heart.

The image I would most like to give as a gift
The innocence of this artwork, combined with the most pleasing use of color and imagery, is certainly worthy of giving as a gift (including to myself).

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TheAppWhisperer has always had a dual mission: to promote the most talented mobile artists of the day and to support ambitious, inquisitive viewers the world over.
As the years passTheAppWhisperer has gained readers and viewers and found new venues for that exchange. All this work thrives with the support of our community.
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