Mobile Art and Photography That Has Influenced Me with Rino Rossi from Italy
We are delighted to bring you the twenty second in our brand new Mobile Art and Photography that has Influenced Me series of interviews at TheAppWhisperer. Within this series, we contact well established and highly regarded mobile photographers and artists and ask them a sequence of questions. Each one relates to mobile art and photography that has inveigled and continues to impact them, by other mobile artists throughout the world. Our twenty second interview is with Rino Rossi from Italy, enjoy!
In this interview, Rossi cites work by: Vaughan Oliver, Nigel Grierson, Aylin Argun, Joshua Sarinana, Roger Guetta, Dan Cristea, Clint Cline, Anastasia Taylor Lind, Richard Koci Hernandez, Janine Graf and Karen Divine.
To read others in this series please go here.
(foreword by Joanne Carter)
The Image That Is Currently In The Forefront Of My Mind
The image that is currently in the forefront of my mind is by 23 Envelope (partnership of Vaughan Oliver and Nigel Grierson, to whom we owe the graphic cut of most exits of label 4AD).
The cover of a great record : It’ll End In Tears of This Mortal Coil

The image that changed my life
The image that has literally changed my way of seeing the mobile art is by Aylin Argun. Desperation, life, pain, mystery, improbability in a simple picture with light tones but with a devastating communication power.

The image I wish I had created
The image that I wish I had created is by Joshua Sarinana. A powerful combination of postmodernism and mobile art respecting previous inspirations.

Artwork That Has Influenced My Art
I have always appreciated the style of Roger Guetta, his (sur) real way of transposing images. His world has inspired my beginnings in a profound way and this image represents its essence.

The Image That Is The Most Underrated
This photo of Dan Cristea (Tiny Collective) is in my opinion extraordinary and should represent the form and substance of the whole movement. In reality it is immersed in the incredible visual magma that surrounds us every day and does not emerge as it deserves.

The image that changed my mind
Clint Cline’s abstractionism was a very special pick for my mind. A striking example is this work.

The Most Recent Image That Made Me Smile
In times like these, the image of Richard Koci Hernandez makes me think positive. I smile and it fills me with hope.

The Most Recent Image That Made Me Sad
The reportage from the Ukraine of Anastasia Taylor Lind brings to mind the eternal contrast between life and war while living in 2018. This image saddens me particularly.

My Comfort Images
The imaginative and surreal lightness that accompanies the works of Janine Graf is soothing.
Her balloons comfort me somewhat…

The Image I Would Most Like To Give As A Gift
Which image lends itself better than this to Karen Divine to be thought of as a gift? A fantastic world full of suggestions and microsignals!

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TheAppWhisperer has always had a dual mission: to promote the most talented mobile artists of the day and to support ambitious, inquisitive viewers the world over.
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