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Mobile Photography & Art – ‘Intimate Interview’ with Armineh Hovanesian from California, United States

We have decided to launch a new intimate style of interview into TheAppWhisperer – the world’s most popular mobile photography and art website. We feel it is important that our community feel close to each other, as it is this support that helps us to nurture one another, gain confidence and continue to grow.

This is our ninth interview, to read the others, please go here. Today, we are publishing this delightful, profound and entertaining interview with multi-talented digital mobile artist, Armineh Hovanesian, and by no coincidence, she also happens to be our Editor for our Mobile Photography and Art Food column, Beet Around the Bush. Enjoy.

All images ©Armineh Hovanesian

What was your childhood or earliest ambition?

My problem was that I had too many objectives!  I was curious and anything that interested me was something I delved into.  The one aspiration that remained unchanged was the love of photography.  I’ve always been a “seer without a camera” and photography is the one medium that can transfer the image in my mind into the minds of people you may never meet.

‘Channeling Man Ray’

First Recognition

My first major recognition was my very first mobile photography exhibition at Modest Fly Gallery in November of 2011.

First job?

I always laugh at this but my very first job was selling Avon products when I was 16!  It didn’t last long because my dislike for being a sales person became evident.

‘A Light Violet to Moderate Purple’

Private or state school?

Both.  I went to private Armenian schools in Tehran until 10th grade.  After we relocated to the United States, I went to my neighbourhood’s public high school for 2 years and that’s where I received my diploma.

University or Work?

Both. I studied Interior Designing for one year, worked at a bank as a teller then went to a Radio/TV Broadcasting school and got my certification.

‘In search of identity’

Who was or still is your mentor?

I cannot pinpoint just one person.  My aunt was my first mentor and she taught and nurtured me immensely (she still does to this day).  My own life experiences, books and friends have played the role of a mentor in my life.

How physically fit are you?

So-so! I am not as active as I was or like to be. I have grown lazy and need to snap out of this stagnation!


Ambition or Talent: What matters more to success?

Of course talent is vital however one needs to be fuelled by ambition.  In my opinion, ambition is the desire to escape mediocrity.  Ambitious people understand that there are no short cuts and it is only their persistence that will get them what they want. They put it all on the line, not letting any instance of drive go ignored because they know this is what they must use to make sure most of their time is dedicated to getting closer and closer to their dream.

My ambition has brought me where I am today in the mobile community.

How politically committed are you?

I have always been politically savvy and up-to-date with daily occurrences. I am cautiously optimistic about human history and the future of humanity in the world we live in today! I feel that we are on a regressive phase presently, in certain respects, with the rise of right-wing populist movements in the United States, Britain (Brexit), and several other democracies in recent years.

‘Time Stood Still’

What would you like to own that you don’t currently possess?

A few million dollars ☺

What’s your biggest extravagance?

Shoes, books and music.

‘But I Want To’

In what place are you happiest?

Paris, Yerevan and Lisbon.  The three cities where I feel free, happy and at home.

‘Dreaming of Flight’

What ambitions do you still have?

Mastering my skills with film and digital photography.

What drives you on?

My curiosity first and foremost.  Coming up with creative ideas to improve something, or make something new. Dreaming for bigger and better things.

‘Hanging out at Mirzoyan’

What is the greatest achievement of your life so far?

My daughter.

Besides my daughter, all the awards and recognitions I have received in the past 10 years.

‘Screened Beauty’

What do you find most irritating in other people?

People who interrupt others in a middle of a conversation.

People who insist on being right all the time and who constantly correct others.

People who flaunt their knowledge in complex jargon, using big words, or making obscure references that other people in the conversation might not know.

People who constantly brag about themselves.

If your 20 year old self could see you now, what would she think?

I think she’d be flabbergasted that I’m working for a corporation however she’d be very proud of all my accomplishments.

Which object that you’ve lost do you wish you still had?

Would sanity qualify as an object?!!

‘I Dreamt I was a Panther’

What is the greatest challenge of our time?

Greed.  Nothing else but greed that has ruined our world.

Do you believe in an afterlife?

Yes and no.  The spiritual part of me believes that souls live on and are reincarnated.  The realist in me shrugs off the mere thought. If only there was proof.

‘Grow Old Along With Me; the Best is Yet To Be’

If you had to rate your satisfaction with your life so far, out of 10, what would you score?

I suppose I’d give it a 7!

Contact Details for Armineh Hovanesian





‘Waking Dream’

Please support us…

TheAppWhisperer has always had a dual mission: to promote the most talented mobile artists of the day and to support ambitious, inquisitive viewers the world over.

As the years pass TheAppWhisperer has gained readers and viewers and found new venues for that exchange. All this work thrives with the support of our community.

Please consider making a donation to TheAppWhisperer as this New Year commences because your support helps protect our independence and it means we can keep delivering the promotion of mobile artists that’s open for everyone around the world.

Every contribution, however big or small, is so valuable for our future.

click here to help us

Joanne Carter, creator of the world’s most popular mobile photography and art website—— TheAppWhisperer platform has been a pivotal cyberspace for mobile artists of all abilities to learn about, to explore, to celebrate and to share mobile artworks. Joanne’s compassion, inclusivity, and humility are hallmarks in all that she does, and is particularly evident in the platform she has built. In her words, “We all have the potential to remove ourselves from the centre of any circle and to expand a sphere of compassion outward; to include everyone interested in mobile art, ensuring every artist is within reach”, she has said. Promotion of mobile artists and the art form as a primary medium in today’s art world, has become her life’s focus. She has presented lectures bolstering mobile artists and their art from as far away as the Museum of Art in Seoul, South Korea to closer to her home in the UK at Focus on Imaging. Her experience as a jurist for mobile art competitions includes: Portugal, Canada, US, S Korea, UK and Italy. And her travels pioneering the breadth of mobile art includes key events in: Frankfurt, Naples, Amalfi Coast, Paris, Brazil, London. Pioneering the world’s first mobile art online gallery - has extended her reach even further, shipping from London, UK to clients in the US, Europe and The Far East to a global group of collectors looking for exclusive art to hang in their homes and offices. The online gallery specialises in prints for discerning collectors of unique, previously unseen signed limited edition art. Her journey towards becoming The App Whisperer, includes (but is not limited to) working for a paparazzi photo agency for several years and as a deputy editor for a photo print magazine. Her own freelance photographic journalistic work is also widely acclaimed. She has been published extensively both within the UK and the US in national and international titles. These include The Times, The Sunday Times, The Guardian, Popular Photography & Imaging, dpreview, NikonPro, Which? and more recently with the BBC as a Contributor, Columnist at Vogue Italia and Contributing Editor at LensCulture. Her professional photography has also been widely exhibited throughout Europe, including Italy, Portugal and the UK. She is currently writing several books, all related to mobile art and is always open to requests for new commissions for either writing or photography projects or a combination of both. Please contact her at: [email protected]