Mobile Photography and Art Interview – Hope In Adversity Interview with Jill Lian
I am currently self-isolating for twelve weeks as my Dr has said I am in the high risk category. In my home, we have all had to make adaptions to adjust to this pandemic, although, at least, currently, we are all well. I’ve been recalling many of the good words our dear friend and talented artist Carolyn Hall Young shared with us, not least ‘in any given situation we can always choose, hope over fear‘ – let’s all choose hope.
I am aware there are many others also in a similar situation at the moment and I felt it would be a good idea to create an interview, reflecting these times with stunning imagery.
This is a new series of interview with mobile photographers and artists discovering what they’re creating and how in these difficult times. Our first interview is with Award winning mobile photographer, Jill Lian. She is based in New York, United States. Lian is interested in both art and science, as her macro images project the perfect combination of these interests. Her images are aesthetically pleasing whilst unmistakably scientifically captivating.
Her work brings light to a whole new world that is so often overlooked, she is fascinated with this micro world full of colours, textures and relief. Not only does Lian find good subjects to photograph, she composes the images so undeniably well that the viewer is eternally gripped. Enjoy.
If you are social distancing or social isolating at this time, are you using any additional time you may have to create mobile digital art or photography?
I have been working from home for 30 years, so social distancing and isolation is feeling almost normal to me. There hasn’t been much of a change for me in time spent on photography.
If so, have you noticed the style of art that you’re creating changing from what you would normally create?
What I have noticed, is that it’s more important for me to get outside and find beauty in nature. Photography has been my stress free, happy place for a long time and I need it more now, than ever.
If yes, to the above, can you explain how your art has changed?
I have increased the time I spend outside. I’m looking a little longer at things to capture and wanting to just be outside longer. For me, it’s cathartic.
Have you found additional inspiration to create at this time?
I am currently teaching myself to paint watercolours. It’s allowing me to see light differently through my lens, as well. I’m not sure I would have spent so much time learning a new craft, in other times.
Is creating mobile digital art/photography, helping you at this time specially, how and why?
It’s absolutely helpful to me to have photography to take my mind to a less stressful place. I get lost in the process.
Do you feel that sharing mobile art/photography at this time is spreading a unity of peace?
I do believe sharing mobile art/photography is very important right now. We need a sense of unity more than ever, right now. These are scary times for the world and I feel people need some sort of connection.
Anything else you would personally like to add?
Thank you Joanne, always focusing on what’s important and relevant. Stay well everyone!
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