Webinar with our Columnist Rad Drew – A Deep Dive into Snapseed – We have a discount code!
Our highly accomplished Columnist Rad Drew is hosting a webinar for this ‘How I Did It!’ Series Revealing Snapseed Secrets.
He explains ‘SnapSeed is a wildly popular editing and stylizing app for iPhone and Android, and for good reason! It offers 28 tools with which to manipulate images for different looks. But, if you’re like many SnapSeed users, you may only be scratching the surface of this comprehensive, powerful app.
In this session for iPhone and Android intermediate users, Rad will reveal some of the secrets hidden in SnapSeed, including:
* Shortcuts for opening images in SnapSeed to save time
* Using the White Balance tool for correct skin tones
* The power of the Perspective tool and one-tap corrections
* Improving portraits with the Portrait and Head Pose tools
* Fine tune high, mid, and low tones in your image
* Optimizing the History layers with copy, insert, and replace
* Effective use of the Masking Brush in the History section
* Use Double Exposure for creating composites
* The power of the Curves tool
* Make targeted adjustments with the Selective tool
* Extend the canvas when a subject is too close to an edge
* Transform color images to black and white
If you would like to harness the power of the mighty SnapSeed app, this session is for you!’
The webinar takes place online on 15 May 2020 from 5.30 – 7.00 pm EDT pm. To apply and receive a $5 discount just add the code TheAppWhisperer in the sign up box here

Please read…
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Hi, Joanne! Thanks for sharing this with our TheAppWhisperer audience. We’ll have a lot of fun on Friday taking a deep dive into the power of this awesome app!
Shoshana Rose
Can I take this course at a later date???