Writing an Impressive Artist Resume: Tips for Students
Your artwork speaks out loud for your creativity. But, if you need a job, that’s not going to be enough. You would still need an outstanding resume to reach out to recruiters. Sending a resume is a professional way to tell them about your accomplishments and skill set.
Artists Resume Writing Tips
So, no matter how creative your artwork is, an up-to-date art resume should always be available with you. But, if you don’t know how to create a winning resume, you can get help from resumethatworks.com. If you want to do it by yourself, follow the tips mentioned below.
But, please ensure that you tailor your resume according to the submitting guidelines. Moreover, make sure your entries under each category header are in chronological order. Also, you may rearrange some of the categories mentioned below as per your strengths. So, place the most relevant and important information first.
Personal Details
- Name: You may write your name in bold, uppercase, or bigger font – or a combination of these.
- Address: Including a mailing address in your artist’s resume is optional. Some individuals prefer not to provide it for security reasons.
- Contact Number: List phone number(s) where they can contact you at any time.
- Email: Including an email is on your art résumé is a must. It is a personal email address, but make sure it looks professional
- Website: Having a personal website has become quite essential in today’s world. Thereby, including your website’s URL is highly recommended.
If you include the information mentioned above on your letterhead, make sure it’s easy-to-read. A simple yet catchy letterhead showcases relevant information without overwhelming the reader.
This is an important part of an artist’s resume with no experience. If you graduate and don’t have professional experience, that’s okay. Your educational background, accomplishments, and skillets matter.
When listing your academic degrees, list them by year in reverse chronology. It is important to mention honors and/or distinctions if any. Make sure the dates appear on the far left side as they appear in the following sample:
2019 MFA in Painting, California College of the Arts, Valencia, CA.
2016 BFA in Studio Art – Painting & Concentration with distinction, University of South Alabama, Mobile, AL.
2012 Memphis College of Art, Memphis, TN
2010 Life Drawing (short course), Central Saint Martins, London, United Kingdom.
Use the words (candidate) or (pending) in front of the degree that is pending. Mention the expected graduation date at the end of that entry. Also, avoid using art schools, colleges, and universities abbreviations. But, it is acceptable to use abbreviations for state names.
If you have attended art schools outside the United States, mention the country at the end of that entry. Similarly, if you are submitting your resume outside the United States, mention the US.
2008 New York State Council on the Arts Fellowship, New York, NY
You may choose to list the headings “Awards, Grants, Scholarships, Fellowships, Honors and Residencies” separately or together. It depends on your record of achievements and how you like to highlight them. For instance, if you have one award and one fellowship, you may list them together. If you are lack of time because of home assignments you can always get help from a custom essay writing service.
Exhibition Record
This is an important section in your résumé. So, it should be in the top categories. If your exhibition record is more impressive than your lists of fellowships/awards, list it before that.
If you are freshly graduated with no or less experience, it is better to mention all exhibitions under one header. You may state if the exhibitions were solo or group at the beginning of the entry, right after the date. Format them in the following way:
Solo, Two-person, and Group Exhibitions
2019 Group Exhibition, MFA Thesis Exhibition, Minnesota Street Project, San Francisco, CA
2017 Two-Person Exhibition, Harlem Art Gallery, New York, NY
2015 Solo Exhibition, Momentum Art Gallery, Asheville, NC
If you have many exhibitions on your list, you may use separate headings. When you use separate headings, using the terms “solo exhibition, two-person exhibition, and the group exhibition” is no longer necessary.
Furthermore, if you are a performance artist, this category heading might read Screenings/Performances instead of Exhibitions. Moreover, be sure to mention if the work is collaborative or not. You may also use a separate heading for your collaborative projects.
Under this category, list articles, reviews, magazines, books, or catalogs that feature your artwork. It showcases your accomplishments. These entries are listed in reverse chronology. Thereby, the recommended method is to list the first name before the last name. Following are some examples:
- Print Media
Herald, exhibition announcement with photograph, Utica, NY, Jan. 9, 2000. 12–18.
- Television/Radio
Features about your work or your interviews on television or radio should also be listed in the CV of artists.
John Green, Interview, ABC Radio, Utica, NY, January 10, 2001.
John Doe, “Commissioned Artwork,” A&E, Charlotte, NC, May 2, 1999.
- Online Periodicals
For online articles or reviews, etc., you should follow the following formats:
Author name, “title of the article,” publication name, date. URL or DOI.
- Website Publications
If text or images about your artwork is published on websites, you may follow the following format:
Author (if known), “Title of the web page,” publishing organization or name of the website, publication date (if available), or access date. DOI: if available, or URL
Teaching or Related Experience
If you are teaching or have taught in the art institute, it may be useful to include this information in your art CV. You can also list other work experiences related to art. The entries within this category appear similar to the entries in education or exhibition; dates in the far left side; most recent first.
2017-2019 Visiting Lecturer, Hamilton College, Clinton, NY
Workshops/Artist Talks/Presentations, etc.
If you have given workshops, presentations, or lectures, list the entries under this category. If you have a long list in each category, divide the headings.
2018 “Workshop: Working with Galleries,” School of the Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, IL,
May 9.
2017 Artist Talk, Central Saint Martins, London, United Kingdom, March 4-6.
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All in all, having an updated resume is as important as acquiring new art skills. Without a good resume, you might not be able to impress recruiters with your skills and capabilities. So, ensure you follow the above-mentioned resume writing tips to create an impressive resume for your dream job.