Mobile Photography & Art – Portrait of an Artist Video Self Portrait Showcase
We are delighted to publish our Self Portrait showcase from our Portrait of an Artist group by our highly qualified editor and Award Winning Artist, Maria Cecilia de São Thiago. She has selected the very best images from the call to create Self-portraits #tawselfportrait posted in 31 May 2021 here.
Please take a look at this video and the high level of work that continues to astound us. If you would like to be featured, in the future, please ensure you’re contributing your images to our group here so that we can find and include your work. Huge thanks and many congratulations to M Cecilia Sao Thiago and to all she has included here. (foreword by Joanne Carter – TheAppWhisperer).
“Traditionally, a self-portrait portrays the face of the author. Most of the time, the intention is to capture the subject’s personality and convey it to the viewer.
And this is taught to us from our childhood, without us realising it. It is common in kindergarten to offer children the opportunity to take self-portraits throughout the year. These pieces are a powerful tool for the educator to observe each child’s growth and development. I never forgot those exercises and I used to do as a child and I strongly believe that my love for art goes back to a very young age.
Today, mediating the group Portrait of an Artist, I feel fulfilled to see that I am not the only one to have these memories vivid in my memory. I’m sure many here also keep important details of their youth in terms of art.
We received an expressive result at the end of the month, so here’s the alphabetical list of artists along with the promised video:
I hope to continue seeing your wonderful work in our group.
I want once again to thank Joanne Carter for providing this important exchange between so many artists around the world.

Self Portraiture Showcase
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