Mobile Photography & Art – Saturday Poetry – ‘This Poem is Asking For Your Love’ by Grace Cavalieri
This weeks Saturday Poetry, matched with mobile photography/art is entitled ‘This Poem is Asking For Your Love’ by Grace Cavalieri. She received a BS in Education from New Jersey College and an MA in creative writing from Goddard University. The author of over forty books of poetry and plays, including most recently What The Psychic Said (Goss publications, 2020) and Other Voices, Other Lives (Alan Squire Publishing, 2017).
Grace holds The Associated Writing Program’s George Garrett Award, as well as the Pen-Fiction, the Allen Ginsberg, Bordighera Poetry, and Paterson Poetry awards, the “Annie” Award, The inaugural Folger Shakespeare Library Columbia Award, The National Award from The Commission On Working Women, and The CPB Silver Medal.
She founded and produces “the Poet and the Poem” for public radio, now from the Library of Congress. In 2019, she was named an Academy of American Poets Laureate Fellow. Cavalieri currently serves as the tenth poet laureate of Maryland.
I have matched artwork by @clare_pistache with this poem. You can view her Instagram feed here.
If you would like to be featured in our Saturday Poetry section, please ensure you include the hashtag #theappwhisperer to any images posted to Instagram. This will mean we will be able to consider it.
To view the others we have published in this section, go here.

This Poem is Asking For Your Love
This poem is not usually like this
I don’t know what came over it
It’s mostly violet under the sun
with a large yellow parasol and a pond
with a center that never freezes
I swear I had no idea
I’m so used to trees of hearts and
cherries within its branches
I can’t imagine
what woke this poem up
with a truth I never wanted
It called out the tower window and said
I was alone
That in itself is a morbid lie
I have long shadows in Autumn and clouds
anytime there is a sky
In fact everything was going so well until
this poem wanted to undress me
and bring back my love
and hold me close and rub
my forehead when I had fever
It had no idea what trouble could come
from this so I wrote it
then I ran from it
now I can erase it
to show I never needed it after all
because don’t you know, Poem,
if you have to ask for something
it’s no gift.
Please help…
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