Mobile Photography – Apple iPhone X – FIRST LOOK and Field Test with Chase Jarvis
We know that many of you have already pre-ordered the new Apple iPhone X and are eagerely awaiting it. Well, Chase Jarvis from CreativeLive, managed to get hold of one a little sooner and put it through its paces around New York City. Take a look at the video below and to view the stills from his shoot and more details, head over to CreativeLive here.
Mobile Photography & Art – Tickle Your Fancy #58
Welcome back to our fifty eighth post in our Tickle Your Fancy section. ‘Tickle Your Fancy’ includes a round-up of between seven to eight links to articles from around the internet that have specifically interested us during the course of the week. Ones that we feel are relevant to your interest in photography and art. This week, we have focused primarily on links within our own website, not only purely our links but ones that we have linked out to. Just to explain the title for this section ‘Tickle Your Fancy is an English idiom and essentially means that something appeals to you and perhaps stimulates your imagination in an enthusiastic…