Virtue Not Vice – Raw Beauty – #causewefeed with @aqua_libra
Visually and artistically literate, @aqua_libra leads the viewer on a journey portraying raw beauty, energy with unconditional love in this series of photographs representing breast feeding in public – #causewefeed.
“Gerard David “Mary and Child”1490, Leonardo da Vinci “Virgin and Child 1452-1549, Frederico Barocci “Madonna and Child.
Just a few of the great painters in history who created beautiful pieces of a mother and her child breastfeeding. Taking care of her infant who is in need of milk and the comfort of its mothers love and simply because the baby is hungry.
We can find these paintings all over the world in the most beautiful grand museums. And we look at them and say “wow beautiful work of art” and we all nod yes.
Now help me out, why is this not disturbing or offensive and we call this art while outside in society we point a finger when a woman is nurturing her child in need in public?
Even more the fact that some women have to feed a twin or have one elderly infant around the age of 4, that still wants to experience the safe comfort of the breast.
I could never understand the judgemental behaviour about this beautiful bond.
My passion is to photograph or videograph social topics. When I was asked by Chantala Blinker, an amazingly strong primal mother of six children, to create awareness for this project. I was excited because It was right up my alley.
The goal: to normalize breastfeeding, to show that feeding your child can hurt and is hard work with a hard pinch in the other boob, nipples that are so painful, lack of sleep etc. but most of all unconditional love. Project #causewefeed was born. I am so proud of all the women, mothers who dare to say “My child comes first, no matter where we are”. If she, he or they are hungry, I as a mother need to feed my baby!
I am proud of the seventeen women and Chantala, who shared their experience and stories with me and who were so brave to be so vulnerable in front of a total stranger behind the camera.
We need to be painters and treat them like beautiful works of art and stop this silly judgemental behaviour”.
Photographs and text by @aqua_libra
Follow @aqua_libra here Instagram
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