Mobile Photography & Art Flickr and Instagram Showcase – 21 March 2021
Marcel Proust describes, In Search of Lost Time, his own experiences of ‘involuntary memories‘, these are profound and unexpected glimpses of the past triggered by mundane and everyday experiences. Escaping time, is in essence the affect of ‘involuntary memories‘, they return us to past events. Photography, is the perfect medium to use as the physical connection to illustrate and explore this. Susan Sontag pronounced that, all photographs are memento mori, to take a photograph is to participate in another persons (or things) mortality, vulnerability, mutability. Precisely by slicing out this moment and freezing it, all photographs testify to times relentless melt. (Sontag, 1979: 15). According to Roland Barthes photographs…
Mobile Photography/Art Pic of the Day (1,443) via Instagram
Here’s day one thousand, four hundred and forty three of our mobile photography/art Pic of the Day section via Instagram. Each day we select one image a day for our Pic of the Day section on Instagram, with this hashtag #theappwhisperer. Today we congratulate @csallquist – Chris Sallquist with this image entitled ‘Scree’. To view their instagram profile please go here.
Mobile Photography & Art Flickr and Instagram Showcase – 14 February 2021
This weeks it is my pleasure to lavish you with love within our showcase, not that we need it to be Valentine’s Day to do so, but it is rather apt that it is. Who would have thought we would have had such a tumultuous year, when we look back? Having lost my liberty for the best part of twelve months being rather forcibly placed within the ‘extremely clinically vulnerable‘ group of patients, I’ve now discovered I am suffering from a ‘survivor’s guilt’ of sorts having received my Covid-19 vaccination earlier this week. I have and am surrounded by my three ‘children’, albeit the youngest is on the cusp of…
Mobile Photography & Art Instagram Showcase – 27 September 2020
Double Life a book-length photographic project by Kelli Connell has kept me entranced this week. At first, the viewer will imagine that the images are of shared moments in the life of two women, who possibly appear to be a couple. Then as each page is turned, we begin to realise that it’s not two women, it’s one, the same woman and the mystery begins. The images are documentary style and not dissimilar to the autobiographical work of Nan Goldin, albeit without the edgy undertones. Connell describes this project as “intimate moments experienced personally, witnessed in public, or watched on television“. This body of work is regarded as self-portraiture but…
Mobile Photography & Art Instagram Showcase – 9 August 2020
The chronological picture or photo essay is something that is often repeated in contemporary photography and can be very compelling. Linear picture narratives guide us from a beginning point to an end point which is in line with classical ways of forming narrative. The sequencing of the images is important in ordering the unfolding narrative; we’re guided by the photographers intentions. However, there’s an important difference between the picture essay (or story) and a piece of classical prose. A writer will give you the information they want to tell you in a precise order that you, as a reader, aren’t in control of (unless you read the back pages first).…