• Daily iOS App Updates

    Daily iOS App Digest

    These apps and updates to hit the App Store today… MuPoToon Today the US based animation company Mupotoon LLC announced the release of the third episode of its iPhone based animated political comedy series. In the latest episode Bill Clinton couches Silvio Berlusconi on sex trial defense strategy advising him to say to the court his own infamous statement “I did not have sexual relations with that woman”. Mupotoon LLC announced the release of the third episode of its iPhone based animated political comedy series MUPOTOON – the acronym for Music, Politics and Cartoons. The latest episode depicts the scandalous Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi asking Bill Clinton to share…

  • Daily iOS App Updates

    Daily iOS App Digest – 03/15/11

    Latest apps and updates to hit the iTunes store today… SmartPad 2 The new iPad 2 is "Thinner, lighter, faster." But is it Smarter? It can be – with SmartPad 2, a friendly integrated organizer for business, home, and school designed specifically for the iPad. SmartPad is smart because it uses logic to integrate tasks into your calendar. Now, SmartPad 2 is smarter with the introduction of GTDo’s that make it easy to focus on "Getting Things Done." SmartPad integrates Notes with everything, has a Time logger, and now introduces simple Project management. $18.99/Download iStockPicks iStockPicks allows you to setup lists of your favorite stock tickers, and it will do…