Mobile Photography & Art – Flickr Group Showcase – 28 October 2018
Life is an enactment, art the outward manifestation of the scenes performed on an inner stage and no greater is this portrayal witnessed than in this weeks Mobile Photography and Art Showcase. Consciously desexed, I am somewhat a phenomenolgist as I curate each week. Infilitrating the discrepancies between reasoning and imagination, demanding the subjectivity of the objectiveness of each work of art, I invite all viewers to experience the anteriority of mobile art; the power, the strength and the hauntingly honesty of this new movement of art. As Emily Dickinson, whom I have been reading this week, knew, the truth that underlies all art is an apocalyptic yearning for ecstasy,…
Mobile Photography & Art – Flickr Group Showcase – 15 April 2018
Urgently contemporary, this weeks mobile photography and art flickr group showcase is a huge thrill and I know all about thrills. This week I chatted with a friend, one I’ve not seen for such a long time. The most charming man, the most fragrant and also the most generous. Slipping back into rambling conversations about, art, photography and sex, we absorbed and absolved one another as we nudged the English language to its limits. Art as in life, is about desire and the mobile photographers and artists that we have featured in this weeks showcase, have satiated mine. There’s real humanity in this showcase, with insights into love and longing…