Mobile Photography & Art – Flickr Group Showcase – 15 April 2018
Urgently contemporary, this weeks mobile photography and art flickr group showcase is a huge thrill and I know all about thrills. This week I chatted with a friend, one I’ve not seen for such a long time. The most charming man, the most fragrant and also the most generous. Slipping back into rambling conversations about, art, photography and sex, we absorbed and absolved one another as we nudged the English language to its limits. Art as in life, is about desire and the mobile photographers and artists that we have featured in this weeks showcase, have satiated mine. There’s real humanity in this showcase, with insights into love and longing with the under current narrative, stimulating and deeply rewarding. Enjoy!
Thank you to all artists for submitting your works. If you would like your work to be considered for entry in to our weekly Mobile Photography and Art Flickr Group, please submit it to our dedicated group, here.
Many congratulations to the following artists for being featured this week:
Basak Aytek, Oksana Shendrik, Christine Padmore, Jean Hutter, Catherine Caddigan, Lorenka Campos, jillian2 – Jill Lian, Luison – Lrh Acquetico, borisbschulz2009, Tricia Dewey, Jun Yamaguchi, Serigy Beliayev, woltarise, David Hayes, Jeronimo Sanz, Damian De Souza, Nick Kenrick, Kat McClelland, Paul Yan, Deborah McMillion, Kathy Clay, Vanessa Vox, Gabriele Rodriquez, Amy Ecenbarger, Ralf Mauyog, Linda Hollier, eyenantajrean, Poetic Medium, CLAY3 accidentTal arTisT, Vadim Demjianov, Clint Cline, Gianluca Ricoveri, Paul Toussaint, soul_engine, Barbara Nebel, Jane Schultz – before.1st.light, Kerry Mitchell, Candice Railton, Tomaso Belloni, Allyson Marie, Sheldon Serkin, Frederic Hutter, Lydia Cassatt, Sally Allerton, Susan Rennie, Marianne Rieter, Hanni K, Aylin Argun.
‘A Place between Life and Death’ ©Jun Yamaguchi

Flickr Group Showcase
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