Mobile Photography & Art – Flickr/Instagram Group Showcase – 4 August 2019
Sleepy, exhilarated and refreshed, having spent time with talented mobile artist and dear friend, Linda Toki from the United States in Kew Gardens yesterday. What joy! To me, there’s nothing quite like ‘sealing the deal‘ of a ‘social media‘ friendship, with meeting in person. Our intellectual circles overlap, our mutual interests conincide and our views of the world chime together. Supple, incisive with infectious warmth and humour, what a gift of intuitive turns and juxtapositions yesterday turned out to be. My body felt so stuffed with good luck, I almost woke up this morning choking on it. My advice, to anyone who doubts the relevance of true online friendship, is…
Mobile Photography & Art – Flickr/Instagram Group Showcase – 2 June 2019
As humans, we have the unique ability of utilising our skill of habit, to our own disadvantage. We can fail to take note of what is always around us. Thus, we suffer emotionally because we lose sight of the value of what we have and then yearn for imagined attractions elsewhere. We live on auto pilot. As an example, if you think back, to when first learning to ride a bicycle, we become hyper aware of everything, as we sit on the saddle and place one foot on a pedal and the other on the ground, to steady us. As we try to push off and bring up the other…
Mobile Photography & Art – Flickr/Instagram Group Showcase – 28 April 2019
“If you’re paying attention and making your own life as beautiful and rich and fun as it can be, you might just attract someone who’s doing the same thing, you can give up on tracking someone down with your butterfly net.” Words by Anne Lamott, who married this week at Deer Park Villa, in Fairfax, California. She met her husband through a dating site, called OurTime, a matchmaking site for the over 50’s. She had been single for a long period and felt absolutely no wanton feelings to change that. When asked, by the New York Times writer, Lois Smith Brady, 26th April 2019, why she stayed single so long,…
Mobile Photography & Art – Flickr/Instagram Group Showcase – 20 January 2019
This weeks Mobile Photography & Art Showcase subtly traces the invisible choreographed presence within mobile art, floating, almost as an unseen voyeur, flowing and pausing subtly like a mute docent. The resulting film is calming and as always an intriguing investigation into mobile art throughout the globe, at this very moment. Our art literate audience will feel excitement when viewing this showcase, it’s an exemplar of everything mobile art has flirted with over the past ten years, enjoy! Thank you to all the talented artists for submitting your works to our showcase this week, it’s one of true splendor. If you would like your work to be considered for entry in…
Mobile Photography & Art – Flickr Group Showcase – 6 January 2019
There’s much humour to be had at my nightstand, not least in the morning when my husband duels with balancing fresh coffee on the piles of books and there’s a particular book, which I feel should be on every woman’s nightstand ‘Milk and Honey’ by Rupi Kaur. It’s a book of poetry, about healing and hope, discussing themes of love and loss, bringing about an enlightened self. Kaur ends the book with a tender love letter to her readers, thus reads “you have made it to the end. With my heart in your hands. Thank you. For arriving here safely. For being tender with the most delicate part of me.…
Mobile Photography & Art – Tickle Your Fancy #61
Welcome back to our sixty first post in our Tickle Your Fancy section. ‘Tickle Your Fancy’ includes a round-up of between seven to eight links to articles from around TheAppWhisperer over the past few week, that you may by chance have missed. Please note, I’ve been a little unwell this week, so have not published as much as I wanted to. Just to explain the title for this section Tickle Your Fancy is an English idiom and essentially means that something appeals to you and perhaps stimulates your imagination in an enthusiastic way, we felt it would make a great title for this new section of the site. Artists cited include,…
Mobile Photography & Art – Flickr Group Showcase – 2 December 2018
The rawness of this weeks Mobile Photography & Art Flickr Group Showcase, is so disarming, in a sense, it’s a rollicking hallucinatory fantasy, as sobering as the present cold air. It’s about love, you have it and you want to share it. It’s richness and exultant tone unlike anything you may have seen before, depicting the entire revelation of mobile photography and art, it makes you hopeful, it makes you dream. This is an elegant and uplifting journey through the labyrinth of our art lust. Enjoy! Thank you to all artists for submitting your works. If you would like your work to be considered for entry in to our weekly…
Mobile Photography & Art – Flickr Group Showcase – 14 October 2018
You’ll feel ravished after viewing this weeks blockbuster mobile photography and art showcase. This art not only gives pleasure to our eyes but also to our minds. Each artists’ acute eye, great instincts and improvisational impluses are all on abundant display. Complexities within our imagery can’t or won’t be unravelled, whether featuring, street photography, portraiture, still life, abstract; each image is both exact and indifferent, getting under your skin and changing how you see the world. This art mixed with this life are inextricable, all writhing together, enjoy! Thank you to all artists for submitting your works. If you would like your work to be considered for entry in to…
Mobile Photography & Art – Flickr Group Showcase – 2 September 2018
The myriad of new material that greets me each Sunday morning in our Mobile Photography and Imagery Flickr group is always so full of hope and its a privilege to wake up to. This weeks Showcase is deeply and satisfyingly intelligent at its heart. It’s emotionally and intimately audacious but also compassionate, benevolent and warm. Perhaps what’s most extraordinary and moving about this body of work is the portrayal of modern day mobile photography and art psyche at its heart. This Showcase represents my weekly gift as each one of you absolutely and defiantly rise above the queasy mire of traditional photography noise and triumph. Enjoy! Thank you to all…
Mobile Photography & Art – Flickr Group Showcase – 15 July 2018
‘How to fail’ is a podcast series by journalist and novelist Elizabeth Day, whereupon she interviews celebrities and asks them to list three examples, demonstrating their failures in life. Perhaps, not surprisingly, men somewhat balked at the idea that they’d failed at anything and when pressed, admitted to losing tennis matches, or the inability to get souffles to rise, whereas women confessed they had trouble limiting the list to just three failures. Naturally, my thoughts drifted to my own failures, where to start… trying too hard to find love as a teenager complete with ‘mistakes’…, not selling my first cottage before the property crash in 1990 when I was 21,…