Mobile Photography & Art – Flickr Group Showcase – 19 December 2021
Eighteen months and it still goes on, some say worse now than ever before. I’ve not started disinfecting the groceries again yet though and hope never to start. It is interesting to learn of the impact the pandemic has had on mobile art. We have have asked and published some answers to that by award winning artists here and also in another series here. What seems ever more important is how connected we all are and how much we care for one another. Many of us have experienced isolation, confinement, even claustrophobia and especially depression. Our walls enclosing us, as our government’s fail to govern. We remember our first trips…
Mobile Photography & Art – Flickr/Instagram Group Showcase 3 October 2021
Sadly, I have never attended a Edward Hopper exhibition, there was one in London in 2004, but I couldn’t make it, few shows have reached higher visitor numbers at Tate Modern. Hooper’s draw for me was his unique ability to exquisitely paint urban experiences of loneliness, separation and distance with such clarity and intelligence. One that touches me, perhaps more than others in his work, is entitled Automat. This word in American refers to self-service restaurants, where diners would collect their meals from vending machines, the establishments did not employ waiters or waitresses. Once a customer collected their meal, they would sit with it, generally alone. It makes the absolute…
Mobile Photography/Art Showcase – 1 August 2021
Mobile Photography and Art is about, among other things, the interconnectedness of our lives, about what we choose to see and ignore as we move through our own worlds, about the power of small acts of decency. Our shared vision is so vivid and multilayered enabling what we produce to become something more than remarkable. The real joy in this weeks Mobile Photography and Art Flickr Group Showcase, is the relentlessly compelling and extraordinary portrayal of lasting beauty. I have tried to create an atmosphere offering privileged access into multiple spheres of existence, discovering the secret languages of each work of art, conferring dignity and consequence with each image and…
Mobile Photography & Art – Flickr/Instagram Group Showcase 16 May 2021
The transformative power of art mingled with love heighten the potential of our quotidian lives, when we consider Mobile Photography and Art, our untapped potential is as defiant as it is understated. We have produced an exquisitely crafted Showcase this week, a beautifully restrained pictorial about love, loneliness and loss is caressed sensitively as we empathetically chronicle not only the characters who grieve for people not only absent from their lives but also for the desires they have by default relinquished. As if in possession of a wonderful secret, new love represents another version of our future, trilogies of desire, reconciled as we expedite our lives. Stay in the present,…
Mobile Photography & Art Flickr and Instagram Showcase – 28 March 2021
This weeks mobile photography and art showcase features supreme images, ones that unpeel themselves more as we look. The sheer range of these artists’ works exemplifies what we already know, describing these works as spectacular would be true, but an understatment. Enjoy! Thank you to all the talented artists for submitting your works to our showcase this week. If you would like your work to be considered for entry in to our weekly Mobile Photography and Art Flickr Group, please submit it to our dedicated group, here. You can also submit images to our Instagram tag for this section #theappwhisperer. @realityfragments, Eliza Badoiu, csallquist, @hipstanitaelle – Anita Elle, @christineobrienart, Catherine Caddigan, @sengulbekmez, @myfineheartworks,…
Mobile Photography & Art Flickr and Instagram Showcase – 29 November 2020
Art can take you anywhere and nowhere more immediately or more variously than within our mobile photography and art showcase this week. It abounds with hidden treasures: the world seen and understood through the mind and gifts of each artist. Enjoy! Thank you to all the talented artists for submitting your works to our showcase this week. If you would like your work to be considered for entry in to our weekly Mobile Photography and Art Flickr Group, please submit it to our dedicated group, here. You can also submit images to our Instagram tag for this section#theappwhisperer. Karen Axelrad, Vadim Demjianov, David DeNagel, Jun Yamaguchi, Clint Cline, Susan Rennie, Rita Colantonio, Kathy…
Mobile Photography/Art Pic of the Day (1,380) via Instagram
Here’s day one thousand, three hundred and eighty of our mobile photography/art Pic of the Day section via Instagram. Each day we select one image a day for our Pic of the Day section on Instagram, with this hashtag #theappwhisperer. Today, we congratulate ©stinebanderloewith this image entitled ‘Soul Searching’. To view his instagram profile please go here.
Mobile Photography & Art Flickr and Instagram Showcase – 8 November 2020
When I think of still life, I revert back to its origins in painting. The ‘still’ often represented as flowers, fruit or other decorative displays. Created in history as a means for an artist to practice techniques but also to portray their wealth. It also acts as a reflection of time. What we never see is the human figure, still life is a means to communicate truths and stories about humanity. Still Life is all around us, it’s where we once were, or where we will be next. It offers another sense of life, a different way of seeing. It matters because we matter, still lives is what keeps us…
Mobile Photography & Art Flickr and Instagram Showcase – 1 November 2020
‘An attempt at Exhausting a Place in Paris’ is a book written by Georges Perec and it’s quite wonderful. Perec wrote down everything he could see from a specific viewpoint, which happened to be a public piazza in 1974. He recorded people in the street passing by, the traffic, the birds, a wedding and a later funeral, litter, signs, signals, everything. It’s an elaborate and possibly obsessive glimpse into how the mundane detail can become a series of intimacy and remembrance. As this week in the UK and most of Europe plunge back into ‘lockdown’, or perhaps ‘lock up’ is more appropriate and we all await with shuddering uncertainty the…
Mobile Photography & Art Flickr and Instagram Showcase – 18 October 2020
We try to make magic here at TheAppWhisperer.com as often as possible and I am very excited to announce that this week has been no exception… having bonded with Steve and Janet Wozniak (Woz) – Apple co-founder and his wife, four years ago, over our love, care and admiration for Carolyn Hall Young and her works, if you missed that please go here. I felt I should write to Woz once more and this time to share The Quilt Project – arguably considered to be one of the 21st century’s most important poetic pieces and a defining staple of mobile art. Now that we have published the official book for…